(영문) 부산고등법원(창원) 2017.10.26 2016나21042



1.The judgment of the first instance court, including the plaintiffs' claims expanded and reduced in this Court, shall be modified as follows:


1. Basic facts

A. On April 4, 2011, the status D (E) of the parties was transferred to the emergency department of the Defendant hospital after being hospitalized at the Defendant hospital after being transferred to the emergency department of the Defendant hospital due to the difficulty of repulmonon caused by the pulmonary pressure from pulse of puler, and the Plaintiffs are the parents of D.

B. D on February 28, 2007, after receiving a diagnosis of the original pulmonary pulmonary pulmonary pulmonary pulmonary Mackymosis at the Yangsan National University Hospital, D received regular pain treatment at the above hospital. 2) D around 2011, due to the original pulmonary pulmonary pulmonary pulmonary pulmonary pulmonary Mackym pressure of the horse at the end of 201, the symptoms are not adjusted solely due to the oral pulmonary clas (NHA(New YHE) and clas III (20 to 100 meters). D was showing symptoms of simple activities to the extent that it only takes rest, and the symptoms of the patient's ability to rest are not improved, regardless of the seriousness of the clas' activities and the symptoms that fall under the symptoms of the pulmonary pulmonary las IV(s) and the symptoms of the patient's ability to rest.

다. D의 피고 병원 이송 경과 1) D은 2011. 4. 2. 원고 A와 함께 경남 합천군에 있는 집에서 출발하여 통영시 미륵도에 2박 3일간 외출하면서 벤타비스 앰플 9개를 준비하여 갔다가 이를 모두 사용하였고, 2011. 4. 4. 19:20경 집으로 돌아가던 도중 경남 고성군 F 소재 G휴게소 부근에서 호흡곤란이 발생하였다. 이에 원고 A는 2011. 4. 4. 19:22경 119 구급대에 연락하였다. 2) 119 구급대는 2011. 4. 4. 19:36경 위 휴게소에 도착하였고, 도착 직후 D이 소지한 산소측정기로 측정된 D의 산소포화도는 76%였다.

19 First Aid Team supplied D with 10L/minate and transferred D to the Defendant hospital, and confirmed whether there was bennasium by contact with the Defendant hospital, but the medical staff at the Defendant hospital knew that there was no bennasium at the Defendant hospital.