(영문) 대구지방법원 2018.05.25 2018고단1203



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than ten months.


Punishment of the crime

[criminal records] On August 28, 2014, the Defendant was sentenced to two years and six months of imprisonment for fraud at the Daegu District Court, and the execution of the sentence was terminated at the Daegu Prison on November 15, 2016.

"2018 Highest 1203"

1. On November 7, 2017, the Defendant against the victim C stated, “Ack-gu Gack-gu Gack-gu Gack-gu Gack-gu Ga does not want to have the victim attend the harm of male,” and “Ack-gu Gack-gu Gack will do so as to have the victim attend the harm of male, if Ick-gu Gack-gu Gack-gu Gack-gu Gack-gu Gack-gu Gack-gu Gack-gu Gack-gu Gack-gu Gack-gu Gack-gu Gack-gu Ga

However, even if the defendant receives 300,000 won from the injured person, he was thought to use it as living expenses, etc., and did not have the intention or ability to introduce the employee to the injured person.

As above, the Defendant was issued 300,000 won from the injured party, i.e., 300 won.

Accordingly, the defendant was given property from the victim by deceiving the victim.

2. On November 29, 2017, the Defendant: (a) called the victim F, called the victim F, called the victim F, at a Galone room operated by the Cheongsong-gun, Cheongsong-gun on or below Daegu on November 15:0, 2017; and (b) the victim, “I would like to introduce Aals to the 30s first half of the 30s first half of the 30s second half of the 35s of the Gyeong-gu, Daegu, to the achieved park near the 35s of the 35s of the Gyeong-gu, and then I would like to go back to the near the Y of the Y. The victim, “I will go back to the 300,000s of the 30,000s of the fals that I would turn back to the fals.”

However, in fact, even if the defendant receives 300,000 won from the injured person, he was thought to use it as living expenses, etc., and the defendant has the intention or ability to introduce the employee to the victim.