(영문) 서울동부지방법원 2016.07.14 2015고단3511




A Imprisonment of 10 months, Defendant B’s imprisonment of 8 months, Defendant C’s imprisonment of 6 months, and Defendant D’s fine of 1 million won.


Punishment of the crime

1. Defendant A, B, and C are friendly, and around August 16, 2015, around 02:00, on the ground that the victim J (30 Does) who walked along the way was fested by Defendant A, the victim J will be frighted with the victim J, and Defendant A will take the victim J's face at one time by drinking the victim J at the victim J's face at one time, and Defendant B will take the face of the victim K (31 years old) who is fright of the above J, and Defendant A will take the face of the victim K (31 years old), Defendant A will take the face of the victim's face at two consecutive times with the victim's face, Defendant C will take the victim's face at two consecutive times with the victim's face, Defendant C will take the victim's face at one time with the victim's face, Defendant B will take the victim's face at one time with the victim's face, and Defendant C will take the victim's face to the victim's body, and Defendant C (2) will take the victim's face.

As a result, the Defendants jointly put the victimJ on the left-hand side and the lower walls that need to be treated for about 36 days, and the body of the inside and bottom of the floor that need to be treated for about 41 days to the victim K, and the victim D with approximately 28 days of medical treatment.

2. Defendant D inflicted an injury on the victim, i.e., the victim’s face at approximately three weeks of treatment by setting up the victim’s face against the victim’s assault at the date, time, place, and place described in paragraph (1).

Summary of Evidence

1. The Defendants’ respective legal statements

1. Each legal statement of witness D, A, and C in each part;

1. Some description of the suspect interrogation protocol (including D statement protocol) against the defendant A by the prosecution;

1. A protocol concerning the examination of each police suspect in relation to D or B;

1. Each police statement to K and J 1.