(영문) 대전지방법원 천안지원 2015.07.17 2015고단899




A and B shall be punished by imprisonment for one year, and by imprisonment for six months.

However, as to Defendant B and C, this shall not apply.


Punishment of the crime


A and B are friendly between Defendant B and Defendant C as the branch of Defendant B, and Defendant C shared the roles of Defendant B, Defendant B, Defendant B, and Defendant A’s inner name, “F (29 years of age) with a large amount of money in the house and physical condition, using the fact that Defendant F (29 years of age) who is the seat of Defendant A had a sexual intercourse with Defendant C, intended to introduce a female-child organ to the victim, and followed Defendant C’s sexual intercourse with the victim, and subsequently, Defendant C was sexual assaulted by borrowing the money in the agreed name. Accordingly, Defendants C and B shared the roles of “feln”, Defendant B’s inner name, and Defendant A’s inner name, respectively.


A and B, around 22:00 on May 16, 2015, intended to introduce female-friendly districts from the YY Park in the Yong-dong of the Yong-dong of the Yong-si of the same city, and moved the victim to the h'H' in the Y-dong of the Y-gu of the Y-gu of the same city, and, during drinking together, they met Defendant C with Defendant C, and left only the victim and Defendant C. The Defendant C got the victim under the influence of alcohol, and let the victim enter the h's trade name in the vicinity of the Y-dong of the Y-dong of the Y-dong of the Y-si of the Y-si. On the same day, at around 24:00 on the same day, the victim raised a sexual relationship with the victim on one occasion by suggesting the sexual relationship with the victim.

The Defendants, around 17:00 of the same month on the 17th day of the 17th day of the 17th day of the same month, up to the victim, the Defendant A and B got sexual assault to the victim “(the Defendant C) and may be detained due to special rape in order for women to report the width to the police, and may have to reach an agreement.” On the other hand, the Defendants shall induce the victim I (the age of 53) who are the mother of the victim to walk on the phone, and the Defendant C shall be from the victim F.