(영문) 대전지방법원 2012.12.27 2012고단395 (1)



1. Defendant GI, K, and G are sentenced to two and half years of imprisonment, Defendant GM, GJ, and GK for two years of imprisonment, Defendant GN for four months of imprisonment.


Punishment of the crime

Defendant GI is currently under the suspension of execution after being sentenced to two years of imprisonment for a violation of the Electronic Financial Transactions Act by the Suwon District Court on June 29, 2011. Defendant GJ is currently under the suspension of execution after being sentenced to one year of imprisonment for a violation of the Electronic Financial Transactions Act at Suwon District Court on June 29, 201. Defendant GJ is currently under the suspension of execution after being sentenced to two years of suspension of execution for a violation of the Electronic Financial Transactions Act at Suwon District Court on June 29, 201.

【Criminal Facts】


GI, K, and GJ from around November 2009, recruited a person who will create a unique term corporation from GN, HC, GM, HD, name misstatement (title HE), etc. to be registered as a legal entity at the competent tax office, and acquired pecuniary benefits by opening a cell phone or passbook in the name of the legal entity and selling the cell phone and passbook in the name of the legal entity. Defendant GI and the above GN play the role of recruiting a person who will create the nominal term-based corporation and having the person registered as a legal entity at the competent tax office. Defendant GJ and the above GN play the role of preparing documents necessary for registration as a legal entity. Defendant GJ and the above GM play the role of opening and selling mobile phone in the name of the legal entity (business entity registration certificate, corporate seal imprint, corporate certificate, corporate seal imprint, corporate registry, corporate registration card, and representative identification card). Defendant GI and the above legal entity act as a public offering in succession to make the head of Tong, etc. in the name of the legal entity.

1. On January 2010, Defendant GI, Defendant K, and the above GN registered a business operator under the name of HG, Inc., HH, and HI as the representative of HF, and then issued to Defendant GJ a business registration certificate, corporate seal impression, corporate certificate, corporate seal impression, corporate register, corporate card, and representative identification card) related to each of the above corporations (a copy of business registration certificate, corporate seal impression, corporate seal impression, corporate register, corporate card, and representative identification card).


GJ around February 2, 2010, at HK located in Gangnam-gu Seoul HJ, it is not possible to identify the identity of the victim corporation, Momoas, the victim corporation, whose name is not known with the relevant data of each of the above corporations.