(영문) 울산지방법원 2020.05.13 2020고단13



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than one year and six months.

Seized evidence 1 and 2 shall be confiscated, respectively.


Punishment of the crime

A person who causes a financial fraud criminal organization belongs to people by posting a telephone without permission through a call center in Korea and abroad by misrepresenting the police, prosecutors' office, financial institutions, etc., and ice the leakage of personal information and credit loans, and in advance, he/she has tried to commit a single scaming crime by receiving the above amount of damage through a delivery device outside his/her interference.

On December 2, 2019, the Defendant received a proposal from a person who was unaware of the name of the financial fraud organization to the effect that “the Defendant would pay a fee for the transfer of a bankbook without using the passbook,” and, in order to raise living expenses, etc., he had been aware that the said money may be the amount of damage caused by using the passbook. In order to raise the cost of living, the Defendant was willing to facilitate the Defendant’s act of using the false statement to move the money to the order of the person who was unable to receive the money from the victims and to instruct the victims to receive the money from the account without the passbook.

1. Around December 16, 2019, the victim B-related names were made false statement to the effect that “A crime in which a public prosecutor belonging to the Seoul Central District Public Prosecutor’s Office was established in the Daegu District Public Prosecutor’s Office by communicating the victim B with the victim and misrepresenting the victim B to be a public prosecutor belonging to the Seoul Central Public Prosecutor’s Office, and “a crime for which a large passbook was established in the Daegu District Public Prosecutor’s Office was committed, and all of the personal information about the principal was leaked and all of the financial institutions were temporarily suspended, and the loan was at present presumed to be illegal, and thus, it is presumed that all of the withdrawals and deliverys by proxy belonging to

However, in fact, there was no prosecutor belonging to the Seoul Central District Prosecutors' Office, and there was no personal information leaked in the victim B, and there was no criminal investigation in progress, and even if the victim B received money from the victim B, there was no intention or ability to return it later.

As above, the person who was unaware of the name shall induce the victim B.