A Imprisonment of six months, Defendant B's imprisonment of six months, Defendant C's imprisonment of eight months, and Defendant D's imprisonment of eight months.
Punishment of the crime
1. Defendants A and B’s summary of “F” in Pyeongtaek-si E around 00:45 on May 20, 2018
Defendant A, as drinking, she was placed in the face of the victim C(35 years of age) and D(31 years of age) on the ground that she was faced with shoulders within the main point, was placed in the face of the victim C, Defendant A was placed in the head of the victim C by putting the her shoulder, which is a dangerous object in the nearby place, on the ground that she was placed with shoulders with the victim C(35 years of age) and D(31). Defendant B was placed in the head of the victim C by putting the shoulder of the victim C, she was placed in the place of the dangerous object of the victim C, and the head of the victim C by gathering the her shoulder, which is a dangerous object in the nearby place, and continued to put the victim D’s head into force.
In the end, the Defendants conspired to carry with the victim C about two weeks of tree material, and caused injury to the victim C, such as sugars that have no one in two open for medical treatment, and assaulted the victim D.
2. Defendant C, Defendant D, at the time, and at the places described in the preceding paragraph, and as mentioned above, Defendant C collected the material of tree material attached to the victim A (the age of 27), the victim B (the age of 27) and the victim B (the age of 27) as well as the trial expenses, and put them toward the head of the victim A by gathering the material of tree material, which is a dangerous object. Defendant D her b spatizes the victim B’s b, and the Defendants met out of the victim’s fatch with the victim’s fatch, and met the victim’s and the victim’s faces B’s face and body several times by gathering the material of plastic material, which is a dangerous object.
In the end, the Defendants conspired to inflict bodily injury on the victim A, such as a 4-day aggregate of the 4-month unit, which requires approximately 4 weeks of medical treatment, and injury on the victim B, such as a dump of the dump, which requires approximately 4-day medical treatment.
Summary of Evidence
1. Defendants’ respective legal statements
1. Protocol of the police statement concerning G;
1. Application of Acts and subordinate statutes of each injury diagnosis letter;
1. Article relevant to the facts constituting an offense and the selection of punishment;
A. Defendant A and B: Articles 258-2(1) and 257(1) of the Criminal Act.