(영문) 수원지방법원안산지원 2016.07.07 2013가합23102



1. The plaintiffs' claims against the defendants are all dismissed.

2. The costs of lawsuit shall be borne by each person;


1. Facts of recognition;

A. The status of the parties B is the mother who gave birth to the Plaintiff C at the H Busan Women’s Hospital (hereinafter “Defendant Hospital”) located in G in the F G in the light life of the F, and the Plaintiff A is the father of the Plaintiff C.

The Defendants are the doctors belonging to the Defendant Hospital in charge of only the portion of Plaintiff B.

B. On May 12, 2012, Plaintiff B was diagnosed of pregnancy as the first father of the childbirth, and received the first diagnosis from Nonparty I’s medical clinic, and first won at Defendant Hospital on May 12, 2012

On August 2, 2012, August 16, 2012, and August 18, 2012, Defendant D conducted an advance medical examination on Plaintiff B, and there was no abnormal check on the mother or fetus.


B, at around 04:25, which was the 1st day of pregnancy, complained of f04:25, and applied to the Defendant hospital for only a minute.

C. After the lapse of the childbirth, the medical professionals at the Defendant Hospital hospitalized Plaintiff B into the family delivery room, attached the Plaintiff’s body to attach an electronic abortion monitoring device to the Plaintiff’s body to conduct an vegetable examination (NST), and both the fetus’s heart rest and the mother’s body’s self-batching condition were improved.

F 13:00, the GGG opened the GGG 2cc., according to the direction of Defendant D D, the medical personnel at the Defendant hospital started to administer the Plaintiff’s gymtoma, which is a self-fat-cat-cat-cat-cat-cat-cat-cat-c

F 15:20 G. H. J. D. almost full number of 15:20 G. H. A. H. A. H. H. A. H. A. H. A. H. A. H. A. H.D. provided first aid to the Plaintiff B by stopping the Plaintiff’s metopy and supplying oxygen and a number of oxygens, according to Defendant E’s instruction.

At F15:25, the fetus heart was restored to 120 times/minutes within the normal range.

The medical personnel of the Defendant Hospital prepared for delivery under the supervision of Defendant E, in order to observe abnormal dogs on fetus hearts, etc., and Plaintiff B was naturally divided the Plaintiff C around 15:48.

After childbirth, Plaintiff C was born to 3.35 km, and the part at the time of birth.