(영문) 서울고등법원 2015.01.22 2013나65514



1. Of the judgment of the first instance, the part against Plaintiff A, including the Plaintiff’s claim expanded in the trial of the trial, is as follows.


1. Basic facts

A. From 11:08 to 11:30 to 11:0 of the time of the surgery, Plaintiff A received from Defendant E-type surgery (hereinafter “Defendant hospital”), 14:30 to 15:40 to 16:40 to 11:0 of the commencement of the surgery on the part of the bones of the chrostal bones, such as disinfection of anesthesia, oral washing, design, and medication of national anesthesia, the commencement of the surgery on the part of the chrostal bones at around 14:30 to 15:40 to 16:0 to 11:0 of the surgery, Plaintiff A received from Defendant E-type surgery on October 25, 201 to 16:0 of the bones surgery on the part of Defendant E-type (hereinafter “Defendant hospital”).

The process of the instant surgery is as follows.

B. After the completion of the operation, the plaintiff A’s condition and the measures taken by the medical personnel of the defendant hospital: measures taken by the medical personnel of the defendant hospital at mHg (mHg/ minute) at 16:20, the measure taken by the medical personnel of the defendant hospital at 120/70 75 99 shall be taken for each 20 minutes, and the defendant D shall instruct the nurse of the defendant hospital at 16:40, 137/80, 70 99 to check the condition of the plaintiff hospital at 16:40, 17:00, 120/80, 799, to check the location of the plaintiff hospital at 10:0,000, and 120/70, 120/70, and 33:0,000 of the surface of the defendant hospital at 1:0,000, and after the completion of the operation, the defendant hospital at 19:70,000 qui200.

C. The Plaintiff A, who performed the power supply and operation, to the Gangwon North Korean Hospital, after the end of anesthesia.