(영문) 대전지방법원 홍성지원 2019.05.29 2019고단176



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for six months.

Seized evidence 1 or 2 shall be forfeited from the defendant.


Punishment of the crime

The members of the organization that distributes the name-free telephone (hereinafter referred to as the “sponphone”) call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call to commit the crime of opening a general operating office in the Philippines and selling the mobile phone to the organization of telephone financial fraud crime. The Defendant, upon receiving an order from the above organization’s online solicitation to take part in the sales of the mobile phone call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call out, put an advertisement call call call call call call call call to call call call call to call call call call call call call call to sell the mobile phone call call call call call to call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call to sell call call call call call out call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call........ Defendant call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call call

From January 10, 2018, the Defendant posted an advertisement stating that “The Defendant would pay KRW 20,000 won per page 1,000,000,000,000 on the Internet site, such as D Cafs, using the Nopt North computers,” at the above Philippines’s office. G, the domestic “commencing books” of the aforementioned largephone distribution organization, is the name of H, in which the Defendant reported and contacted the advertisement posted by the Defendant.

4.3. Around the time of opening a mobile phone and then transmitting the mobile phone to a place designated by an organized member of the organization with no name, and an employee with no name shall receive the aforementioned mobile phone from the person with no name at that time and receive 200,000 won from the person with no name.