(영문) 수원지방법원 안산지원 2013.03.21 2012고단2535



The defendant shall be innocent.


1. On June 30, 2012, the Defendant, at the Defendant’s house located in Ansan-gu, Seoul Special Metropolitan City, Ansan-gu, the Defendant publicly insultingd the victim by accessing the Victim D, who was not good to the peace at work, with the knowledge that the victim D was dismissed at work, and then referring to the victim in his/her disclosure protocol, and then referring him/her to the victim.

2. First of all, in light of the fact that an employee working in the same workplace as the Defendant and the victim showed the Defendant’s above propy phrase on his mobile phone, and that a number of telephone numbers are registered, including five to six employees working in the Defendant’s Kakao Kakao Flux, the said phrase “DDDD” is specified, and performance is also recognized.

However, the following circumstances recognized by the police investigation protocol against the defendant, the police statement of D, the police statement statement of D, the victim's complaint et al., that are, during the victim's management of the work of street cleaners including the defendant as the team leader, there was a dispute with some team members of the defendant et al. who thought that the victim's work instruction was unfair, while the defendant and other team members of the other team members of the defendant were succeeded to employment in the process of the change of cleaning service provider, while the victim did not succeed to employment, they merely expressed a little exaggeration by using a non-frecing expression that the defendant would have expressed his opinion or opinion about the above result, and some workplace charges of the defendant who can see the above professional statement of the defendant were aware that the defendant did not succeed to employment. The defendant did not directly refer to the victim by using only the expression "DD doctor" rather than the victim's name or reputation, and the above phrase on the bulletin board that anyone can easily see the defendant on the Internet.