(영문) 대구지방법원 포항지원 2018.07.10 2017가단4193



1. The Defendant’s KRW 103,784,00 for the Plaintiff and 6% per annum from August 4, 2017 to July 10, 2018.


1. Basic facts are companies whose primary business is road safety facility wholesale and construction, specialized ice construction business, packing materials for the prevention of collapse, construction materials wholesale, retail business, etc., and the network C as its representative was carrying on D’s seal and construction business as its representative.

On June 10, 2015, the Public Procurement Service sent each of the above D notice demanding that “E Corporation (hereinafter “E”) complete construction cost of KRW 66,368,00,00 for construction cost,” and the notice demanding that “F Corporation (hereinafter “F”) complete construction cost of KRW 48,960,00 on July 7, 2015.” The Plaintiff has each of the above demand for delivery and notice of divided supply of construction cost of KRW 48,960,00.” The Plaintiff has each of the above demand for delivery and notice of divided supply of construction cost of the instant No. 1 and 2, and has the photograph of construction work of the instant No. 1 and 2.

On the other hand, the deceased C died from a traffic accident around December 2015, and the defendant began to operate the above D practically since that time.

On January 26, 2016, the Public Procurement Service sent the above D notice demanding that “the G Corporation (hereinafter “the instant third construction”) complete the construction cost of KRW 5,202,00,00,” and the notice demanding that “H Corporation (hereinafter “the instant fourth construction works”) complete the construction cost of KRW 9,520,000 on May 2, 2016.” The Plaintiff has the respective demand for the supply of the instant subdivision and the notice regarding the third and fourth construction works, and the Plaintiff has the instant third and fourth construction works photographs.

On December 29, 2016, the Plaintiff issued a tax invoice for KRW 24,890,000 to the Defendant for the supply value of the forum establishment.

The Defendant, from the ordering office of each of the instant construction works on September 25, 2015, KRW 66,368,00 as the construction price of the instant construction works on September 25, 2015, KRW 48,640,00 as the construction price of the instant construction works on November 25, 2015, and KRW 5,202,00 as the construction price of the instant construction works on March 15, 2016, and KRW 129,730,000 in total, as the construction price of the instant construction works on March 15, 2016.