(영문) 부산지방법원 2016.05.27 2016고합76



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than four years and six months.


Punishment of the crime

"2016 Gohap 76" Defendant is not a narcotics handler.

Defendant and C sought a person who is to transport mectoptoptopy (i.e., a one-name “philopon”; hereinafter “philopon”) and sent them to D, the Defendant and C conspired to import mecopon from Cambodia to import mecopon in Korea by formulating a whole criminal act plan, purchasing and delivering a philopon to be sealed in China, and sending it to Cambodia. The Defendant and C conspired to import philopon from Cambodia to Korea by assisting the transportation philopon to enter the Republic of Korea with a philopon.

Accordingly, on June 8, 2015, the Defendant introduced E with D as a penphone transport package, and promised E’s air tickets, etc. using the air code promised by the Defendant and C. On July 7, 2015, the Defendant left the Republic of Korea from the Incheon International Airport to China, and opened a travel package of approximately 1010.3g of a penphone (including plastic packaging) from D residing in China, and moved to Cambodia on July 8, 2015, the Defendant and C moved to 10:7 times from July 11, 2015, and the Defendant and C moved to 20 times from the Incheon International Airport with approximately 10g of frophone-phone-phone-on-on-on-on-on-on-on-on-on-on-on-on-on-on-on-on-on-on-on-on-on-on-on-on-on-on-on-on-on-on-on-on-on-on-on-on-on-on-on-on-on-t.

Accordingly, in collusion with D, E, and C, the Defendant imported approximately 1010.3g (including plastic packaging) from Cambodia to the Republic of Korea.

Around March 1, 2012, the Defendant, “2016 Gohap 132,” who stolen a vehicle from a one-person G around March 1, 2012, when the thief was transferred the vehicle to a light-based parking lot in the Masan-Seoul Hongcheon-gun, Chungcheongnam-gun, and returned to an Ansan city. The Defendant received KRW 300,000,000 and went to a siren.