(영문) 수원지방법원평택지원 2020.10.30 2020고합65



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for six months.

However, the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for two years from the date this judgment became final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

around 20:37 on March 27, 2020, the Defendant destroyed the clothes and clothing collection in the city of the city by putting the fry in the front separate collection box attached to the garment collection box by placing the fry in the garment collection box.

around 19:52 on August 22, 2019, the Defendant: (a) invaded on the first floor of the commercial building located in Pyeongtaek-si C; (b) stolen the victim’s property more than four times in total from October 20, 2019, including the theft of the victim’s clothes stored in the corridor that he/she had in order to sell by the victim D; and (c) subsequently, he/she stolen the victim’s property more than four times in total, as described in the list of crimes in attached Table.

Summary of Evidence

"2020 Gohap65"

1. Statement E of the defendant in court;

1. The name of the offender, report (fire), internal investigation report (fire), photo of CCTV and CCTV photograph, internal investigation report (on-site permanent investigation, victim confirmation date, internal investigation by the on-siteCCTV, internal investigation by the suspect prior to committing the crime), site photograph, photographic photo, CCTV photograph, CCTV photograph, internal investigation report (on-site use by the central office of the suspect, confirmation of the fact of banking transactions), list of cash automatic entry/explosion trading, investigation report (suspect specific), personal information inquiry by the G association, resident inquiry, driver's license photograph "20 high-scale 100";

1. The written statement of the defendant at the police station;

1. Each report on the damage statement of D, CCTV images taken by police officers visiting the scene, each 112 report processing table, field photo, each report on internal investigation (on-site, etc.), each of the suspect's images taken on 22 and 23 days, photographs of the suspect, etc., photographic images of the CCTV in the suspect's CCTV, the suspect's photograph and site photo, investigation report (specific as the suspect), a specific set-off statement of the suspect, a seizure photograph, a criminal investigation report (including CCTV images containing the four criminal motive), a photograph of the suspect's images taken out, an investigation report (related to the sunset time of August 22, 2019), and data related to sunset time.