(영문) 울산지방법원 2016.06.30 2016고단1431



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than ten months.


Punishment of the crime

1. Reburial gambling;

A. The Defendant was aware of in the course of gambling with D and E, and the Defendant was to operate a gambling house on October 2015, 2015, and D was to take charge of the entire management of the gambling house, the Defendant was in charge of attracting customers, and E was to take charge of the heart and book management in the gambling house.

The Defendant, along with D and E, was equipped with the second floor office of the F building in Ulsan-gu, Nam-gu, Seoul, from around October 2015 to around December 2, 2015, with 10,000 won and/or 10,000 won of the base board per time, free hosting, and one customer with the highest plaque by combining the two heads, numbers, and pattern, etc. of the drum card in the following table to be received by customers, and collected approximately 7% of the glag amount per time of the glaf, which is the glaf and glaf, and considered as a fee.

Accordingly, the defendant, in collusion with D and E, set up a place for gambling for profit.

B. On January 2016, Defendant E and the following: (a) operate a gambling place; (b) the Defendant was responsible for attracting customers and managing the entire gambling place; and (c) E was responsible for managing the books of gambling and gambling place.

The Defendant together with E, from January 2016 to March 17, 2016, equipped with Trum cards, cash exchange chips, tables, and chairs at H offices located in Ulsan-gu G, Ulsan-gu, Ulsan-gu, with the location. The Defendant: (a) enable non-customers who find the location to carry out an unlimited hosting; (b) allow them to carry out a 10,000 won or no-fating amount per time; and (c) guests who receive Trum card 2 and combines the head of Trum card 5 with numbers, and the pattern, etc., and (d) one customer who has the highest plaque with the highest degree of plaque, with the fee collected at approximately 7% of the fee per cap per time.

Accordingly, the Defendant conspired with E for profit.