(영문) 전주지방법원남원지원 2019.09.18 2018가단10464



The defendants, the defendants (appointed parties) and the designated parties shall each share in the equity list of 521 square meters in Nam-si, Nam-si (attached Form 2).


The following facts can be acknowledged by adding the whole purport of the pleadings to the statements in Gap evidence 1-7, 13-18, or there is no dispute between the parties.

On June 21, 2011, the Plaintiff entered into a sales contract with the representatives of the Ma Village Association, a non-corporate body representing the Defendants, the Defendant (Appointed Party), and the designated parties (hereinafter “Defendants”), and with the Defendants to purchase each share listed in the separate sheet No. 2 in the separate sheet No. 521m2 (hereinafter “instant real estate”).

Therefore, according to the above sales contract, the Defendants are obligated to perform the registration procedure for ownership transfer of each of the instant shares among the instant real estate to the Plaintiff.

The plaintiff's claim is legitimate and accepted.