(영문) 대구지방법원 2014.12.05 2014노1623



All appeals filed by prosecutors and defendants are dismissed.


1. Summary of grounds for appeal;

A. The sentence imposed by the prosecutor by the court below (one year of imprisonment for three months and one year of suspended execution) is too unhued and unfair.

B. The sentence imposed by the Defendant by the lower court is too unreasonable.

2. The crime of this case is deemed to be disadvantageous in light of the purpose of legislation of the Juvenile Protection Act that employs juveniles at businesses harmful to juveniles, let them contact with them, and that it seems that the quality of the crime of this case is not good in light of the purpose of legislation of the Juvenile Protection Act that intends to protect them from various harmful environments; the defendant confessions and reflects the crime of this case; the defendant has no record of being punished for the same crime; the defendant has no record of criminal punishment; the defendant discontinued his business office used as the place of the crime of this case due to the crime of this case; and other factors such as the defendant's age, character and behavior, environment, motive and circumstance leading to the crime of this case; and the means and consequence after the crime of this case, etc., the court below's punishment is too heavy or unreasonable. Thus, both the prosecutor and the defendant's assertion are without merit.

3. In conclusion, the appeal by the prosecutor and the defendant is dismissed in accordance with Article 364(4) of the Criminal Procedure Act on the grounds that all of the appeal by the prosecutor and the defendant are without merit. It is