(영문) 대전지방법원 2014.05.02 2014고정30



The defendant shall be innocent.


1. Around April 7, 2013, the Defendant made a lecture at a meeting of “F” at the E Educational and Cultural Center located in Seo-gu Daejeon, Daejeon, and the number of 500 believerss of E religious organizations, the Defendant brought a complaint against the Daejeon District Public Prosecutor’s Office on the date of assault against the victim H at G broadcasting station on June 22, 2010, and damaged the reputation of the victim by publicly stating the fact that “The Defendant had sent a written notice that he/she was indicted for an injury or assault to the victim H at the Daejeon Public Prosecutor’s Office on March 21, 2013.”

2. The defendant alleged that he had no intention to impair his reputation.

Even if the defendant's act constitutes the element of defamation, the defendant's act is justified in accordance with Articles 310, 21, and 20 of the Criminal Act since he stated true facts for the public interest.

3. According to the evidence adopted, the defendant is deemed to have been aware at least of the fact that the act as described in the facts charged in the instant case, such as the fact that the victim’s social evaluation, has undermined.

However, Article 310 of the Criminal Act provides that such act is true and solely for the public interest, and therefore, the term "public interest" refers to not only to the interests of the State, society, and other general public, but also to a specific social group or the overall interest of its members. Whether it is related to the public interest or not shall be determined by comparing and comparing the following circumstances with regard to the expression itself, such as the contents and nature of the alleged fact itself, the scope of the other party to whom the relevant fact was published, the method of expression, etc., and the degree of infringement of honor which may be damaged or damaged by the expression.