(영문) 서울동부지방법원 2014.05.15 2013고합356



The defendant shall be innocent.


1. Summary of the facts charged

A. Violation of the Act on the Protection of Children and Juveniles against Sexual Abuse ( quasi-rape, etc.) and the victim C (16 years of age) are high school students, and the defendant's friendship D and the victim's friendship E.

around 00:00 on June 8, 2013, the Defendant d's house located in the Seoul Special Metropolitan City Gwangjin-gu F, such as the victim, D, E, and so-called ‘Wang Game'. The Defendant d's house, which d', d', and so-called ‘Wang Game, d', d', and d'. The victim d's body while drinking the above game was unable to be properly classified

During that period, the Defendant, while running a king game, was able to talk about the fact that E, who was the winner of the Defendant and the victim “skid one another,” and was able to talk about the victim’s upper part of the victim’s upper part of the victim’s upper part of the victim’s upper part of the victim’s upper part of the victim’s breast part of the victim’s upper part of the victim’s upper part of the victim’s upper part of the victim’s upper part.

The Defendant, as such, committed an indecent act against the victim by taking advantage of the state of the juvenile who was unable to resist by drinking.

B. Around 09:00 on June 9, 2013, the Defendant violated the Act on the Protection of Children and Juveniles against Sexual Abuse (Rape) committed sexual intercourse with the victim one time by putting the victim out of the victim’s bar, putting him/her away from the victim’s bar, putting him/her away from the victim’s bar, and pushing him/her away from the victim’s bar, and inserting him/her away from the victim’s bar, and inserting him/her off the victim’s resistance by inserting the victim’s resistance, and inserting him/her over his/her resistance, and inserting him/her off from the victim’s bar and panty, and inserting the Defendant’s sexual organ inserted.

As such, the Defendant raped a juvenile victim.

2. Judgment on the violation of the Act on the Protection of Children and Juveniles against Sexual Abuse

A. The crime of violation of the Act on the Protection of Children and Juveniles against Sexual Abuse is committed against a child or juvenile under Article 299 of the Criminal Act.