(영문) 전주지방법원 남원지원 2017.04.25 2017고단38



The punishment of the accused shall be determined by eight months of imprisonment.

, however, the above punishment shall be imposed for a period of two years from the date this judgment becomes final.


Punishment of the crime

"2017 Highest 38"

1. Special larceny;

A. From February 12, 2017 to around 08:00 on the following day, the Defendant opened the entrance door of the “F shooting range” in the operation of the victim E, located in Gangseo-gu Busan Metropolitan City D and 107, and in advance, extracted from non-explosion, which is a deadly weapon (one "one name," No. 2), which is a deadly weapon, from the beginning.

However, the shape of this article (hereinafter “2017 Height 38”) may lead to a fatal result in the event of displaying it to another person because the last end of the document, and its length is not short. The Defendant cited this article at the time of committing the instant crime and used it for destroying it by using strong power such as a correction device that is not easily opened due to human force, etc., if objectively determined in accordance with social norms, it constitutes “a deadly weapon” under Article 331(2) of the Criminal Act (see, e.g., Supreme Court Decision 2012Do4175, Jun. 14, 2012).

B. On February 17, 2017, at around 04:00, the Defendant opened the entrance door of the “I”-type of the victim H operation in Gyeong-gun G, Gyeong-gun, Gyeong-gun, and opened the door, used in advance the labing of lab, which is a lethal weapon, and used the labing machine (hereinafter “labu”), removed KRW 800,000 in cash inside the labing machine, and removed the three labs of CCTV installed therein, and carried out the said cash and CCTV labing machine.


On February 21, 2017, at around 03:10, the Defendant opened the entrance door of the “L” room to operate the Victim K, which is located in the Nam-siJ, Nam-si, Namwon-si, and used in advance the lava extraction (one name “L”), which is a deadly weapon, and destroyed the two corrective devices of the labbbing exchange machine installed therein, and took approximately KRW 1,90,000,000 in total cash in each inside.
