(영문) 서울고등법원 2017.12.20 2015누65300

과징금부과처분 등 취소 청구의 소


1. Attached Form 1(2) written by the Defendant against the Plaintiff at the plenary session Resolution B dated October 7, 2015.


Basic Facts


In the name of the Plaintiff, C, D, and E (hereinafter referred to as “stock company”) are omitted, and all of them are companies engaged in the construction business, and they are “business operators” as prescribed by Article 2 subparag. 1 of the Monopoly Regulation and Fair Trade Act (hereinafter referred to as “Fair Trade Act”).


The general status of the four directors shall be as follows:

(해당연도 말 기준, 단위: 백만 원, 명) 사업자 설립일자 연 도 자본금 매출액 영업이익 당 기 순이익 상 시 종업원수 D 1947. 8. 28. 2014 218,500 7,845,394 154,532 △440,509 6,625 2013 218,500 9,846,917 39,658 △10,332 6,948 2012 218,500 10,253,347 486,05, 400,787 6,991 E 1986. 11. 29. 2014 376,921 3,152,019 155,382 404 1,556 2013 376,921 2,877,143 △203,850 △210,731 1,624 2012 376,921 2,207,250 66,075 9,495 1,726 C 1962. 2. 21. 2014 252,823 8,477,333 40,901 △177,766 6,277 2013 252,796 7,505,252 △490,576 △493,038 6,364 2012 194,441 7,536,757 100,986 10,218 6,160 원고 1950. 1. 10. 2014 557,273 10,755,778 477,971 313,135 4,362 2013 557,273 10,591,308 475,744 360,278 4,362 2012 557,273 10,433,442 415,634 347,019 4,200 F 건설공사의 입찰(이하 ‘이 사건 공사 입찰’이라 한다) 개요 F 건설공사는 G에서 H까지 89.2km를 연결하는 건설사업으로 총 사업비 3조 8,280억 원이 투입된 대규모 국책사업으로서 총 10개 공구로 나눠 진행되었다.

With respect to “F construction works” on May 4, 201, the Korea Rail Network Authority, which is the place of ordering, evaluates the successful bidder by giving a specific weight to the design score and price score among the eligible persons with design score of 70% and price score of 30% as a package of design and construction work, and then determining the highest person with the highest point as the successful bidder, the design score evaluation shall be made in the order of the evaluation score for the design sector of the bid participant.