2011Na92871 Confirmation of the status of the representative of apartment building or the representative of the party;
A person shall be appointed.
dedicated apartment council of occupants
Representative ○○○○○
Seoul Eastern District Court Decision 2011Gahap10486 Decided October 14, 2011
April 19, 2012
May 31, 2012
1. Revocation of a judgment of the first instance;
2. The plaintiff's claim is dismissed.
3. All costs of the lawsuit shall be borne by the Plaintiff.
1. Purport of claim
On February 11, 2011, the plaintiff confirmed that he is elected in the election of the defendant president at the 14th defendant president.
2. Purport of appeal
The judgment of the first instance is revoked. The plaintiff's claim is dismissed.
1. Facts of recognition;
가. 피고는 서울 구 ■■동 ◎◎◎ 아파트 ( 이하 ' 이 사건 아파트 ' 라 한다 ) 제13기 동별대표자 및 회장의 임기가 2011. 2. 28. 자로 만료됨에 따라, 2011. 1. 경 제14기 동별대표자 및 회장을 선출하기로 하였다. 원고는 2011. 1. 12. 점촌중학교를 졸업하였을 뿐, 고등학교에 입학한 사실이 없음에도 자신의 학력을 ' ※※고등학교 중퇴 ' 라고 기재하여 제8선거구 동별대표자 입후보등록 신청서를 작성 · 제출하였고, 2011. 1. 19. 제14기 제8선거구 동별대표자로 당선되었다. 원고는 2011. 2. 1. 마찬가지로 자신의 학력을 ' ※ ※고등학교 중퇴 ' 라고 기재하여 제14기 피고 회장 후보자등록 신청서를 작성 · 제출하였고, 원고, ◆◆◆, □□□가 후보자로 출마하여 2011. 2. 11. 실시된 피고 회장 선거 ( 이하 ' 이 사건 선거 ' 라 한다 ) 에서 원고가 다수득표를 하여 회장으로 당선되었다 .
나. 피고의 선거관리위원회 ( 이하 ' 선거관리위원회 ' 라 한다 ) 는 위 회장 선거 이후인 2011. 2. 경 원고에게 원고의 학력에 대한 진위 여부에 관한 소명을 요구하였고, 원고가 이에 응하지 아니하자 2011. 2. 14. ※※공업고등학교1 ) 에 대하여 원고의 학력에 관한 조회를 하였으며, ※※공업고등학교는 2011. 2. 16. 원고가 위 고등학교에 입학하거나 중퇴한 사실이 없다는 내용으로 회신하였다. 이에 따라 선거관리위원회는 원고에게 ' 입주자들에게 허위 학력 기재에 대하여 사과를 하고, 이 사건 아파트 입주자의 과반수 동의를 얻으면, 피고 회장으로 인정하여 주겠다 ' 고 하였으나, 원고는 이를 거절하였다 .
C. On February 16, 2011, the election commission decided to invalidate the election of the representative for each Dong and the chairperson for each Dong in the 8 constituency on the grounds of false academic background, such as the Plaintiff’s above-mentioned clause (A), and decided to re-election the representative for each Dong in the 8 constituency and the chairperson for each defendant. On March 14, 2011, the election commission held the Defendant’s re-election on March 14, 201, and the △ Group was elected to the Defendant’s president on the sole basis of the
D. The Plaintiff filed an application with the Seoul Eastern District Court to suspend the performance of his duties on the Magsung, which was selected as the president of the Defendant by re-election, and the said court cited the application.
(e) Article 10 (Elective Provisions of Election Commission)
(1) A representative of a building who fails to fall under any subparagraph of Article 50 (4) of the Decree among the occupants residing in an apartment complex for at least six consecutive months after the completion of resident registration in the apartment complex as of the election announcement date shall be eligible for election of the representative of each building.
(2) The representative of each building shall be eligible for election of executives of a council of occupants' representatives.
Article 24 (Restriction on or Prohibition of Election Campaign) Where an election campaign is conducted pursuant to Article 23 of the Regulations, any of the following acts shall not be conducted:
5. Giving false information or slandering a candidate or his/her family members for the purpose of influencing the result of an election;
Article 47 (Re-election)
(1) In any of the following cases, the multi-family housing election commission shall immediately announce it publicly and hold a reelection:
3. Where the invalidation of an election or the invalidation of an election is determined in the bottom of the multi-family housing unit. Article 62 (Measures against Violations of Election Provisions)
(1) Any person who violates any of the subparagraphs of Article 24 (Restrictions on and Prohibited Acts from Election Campaign) shall take the following measures by resolution of the multi-family housing election management committee and shall be publicly announced to electors:
5. Decision on invalidation of candidate registration;
(2) When the preference of multi-family housing units determines the measures falling under each subparagraph of paragraph (1) (excluding subparagraph 4), they shall take into account the motive and consequence of the relevant offense, the impact on the election, the period of the offense, the offense, etc., and may require a person subject to the measures to submit explanatory materials within three days.
Article 64 (Objection to Election)
(1) Any candidate or elector who has an objection in connection with an election, such as a representative, may file an objection in writing on the multi-family housing unit within five days from the election day.
(2) The subcommittee of multi-family housing shall deliberate and determine on and determine the validity of a petition for objection and a related person within ten days from the date the petition for objection is received, after hearing opinions in advance, shall determine the validity of an election or election, and shall notify the petitioner for objection and the related person of the result
[Ground of recognition] Unsatisfy, Gap evidence 1, Eul evidence 2, Eul evidence 1, Eul evidence 1-2, Eul evidence 2-1, 3-2, Eul evidence 3-3 through 6, Eul evidence 13-1, 2, Eul evidence 14 and 20, and the purport of the whole pleadings
2. Determination on this safety defense
1) The defendant's defense of principal safety
On February 11, 2011, when the Plaintiff seeks confirmation, the re-election was conducted after the Defendant Chairperson’s election was held on February 14, 201, and the Dog Dog City was announced as the elected person. The instant lawsuit is seeking confirmation of past legal relations, and there is no interest in confirmation. In addition, in order to file a lawsuit seeking confirmation of the status of the elected person, the Plaintiff should have made a written objection to the election commission within five days from the election day stipulated in Article 64 of the Election Management Regulations, with respect to the decision of invalidation of election. However, the instant lawsuit, which
2) Determination
First of all, the fact that the re-election was held after the election commission's decision to invalidate the election of the Plaintiff and the election of the △△△ was held is as seen earlier. However, in the event that the lawsuit of this case seeking confirmation of the winning in the election of the Defendant Chairperson, which was implemented on February 11, 2011, is accepted, the re-election held on the premise against the foregoing will lose its validity as it is unlawful. Thus, the lawsuit of this case cannot be viewed as having no interest in confirming that the lawsuit of this case simply seeks confirmation of the past legal relations. Thus, this part of the Defendant's defense
Next, according to the evidence No. 20, a candidate or elector who has an objection to an election, such as the representative, etc., under Article 64(1) of the Election Management Regulations, may file an objection in writing on the apartment house line within five days from the election day. However, in light of the language and text of the above mentioned, it is nothing more than the purport of granting the right to file an objection at the level of private autonomy, and it is not the purport of denying or limiting the validity of the instant lawsuit filed against the above provision. Accordingly, this part of the Defendant’s defense on the different premise is without merit.
3. Judgment on the merits
A. Summary of the parties' assertion
1) Summary of the Plaintiff’s assertion
According to the Enforcement Decree of the Housing Act, the Management Rules of the apartment building (hereinafter referred to as the "Management Rules"), and the Election Commission Regulations, false entry of academic background does not constitute a ground for invalidation of election. Therefore, the Plaintiff was legally elected as the chairman of the 14th election by the instant election. Therefore, the Plaintiff is a person who was elected as the chairman of the Defendant under the instant election, notwithstanding the instant election and the resolution for invalidation of the Plaintiff’s election of the chairman.
2) The defendant's argument
The defendant president is in a position that requires honest and morality, and the plaintiff's academic background was falsely stated and affected the election of this case by deceiving the occupants of the apartment of this case, so the election commission has invalidated the election of this case, and the decision that the plaintiff becomes the president of the defendant shall be valid.
B. Determination
Article 47 (1) 3 of the apartment election commission regulations of this case only provide that "when the election invalidation or the election invalidation is decided on the multi-family housing preference," and do not provide for any reason for the invalidation of the election. Therefore, it is reasonable to deem that the election commission has discretion as to what reason for the invalidation of the election is a reason for the invalidation of the election. Therefore, we examine whether the above decision of the election commission for the invalidation of the election constitutes abuse or deviation of discretionary power.
앞에서 든 각 증거들 및 변론 전체의 취지에 의하여 인정되는 다음과 같은 사정, 즉이 사건 아파트 제14기 동별대표자 후보자등록 신청서, 입주자대표회의 회장 후보자등록 신청서는 후보자에 대한 사회적 평가의 색채가 옅다고 여겨지는 ( 거주 ) 동호수, 성명, 등록기준지, 주소, 생년월일, 주민등록번호를 제외하고 사회적 평가가 개입될 여지가 크다고 여겨지는 사항으로 ' 최종학력 [ OO 학교 ( 졸업, 재학, 중퇴 ) ], 직장명, 직위, 직장주소, 사회경력 및 이력란을 두고 해당 사항을 기재하도록 하고 있고, 선거관리위원회의 후보자등록공고에도 후보자의 직업, 학력 및 경력을 표시하고 있어 후보자의 최종학력은 선거에 있어 선거인의 후보자 선택에 관한 중요한 판단요소로 작용할 가능성이 큰 점, 위와 같이 학력을 포함한 후보자의 과거 주요경력사항은 선거인들이 선거에 임하여 후보자에 관하여 알아야 할 최소한의 기본적 사항으로서 그 진실성이 절대적으로 요청되는 것이고 선거운동이 후보자의 선거인에 대한 신뢰를 획득하는 것을 본질로 하는 점에 비추어 볼 때 선거인의 후보자 선택에 관한 중요한 참고자료가 되는 후보자의 학력 및 경력을 허위로 표시하는 행위는 비난가능성이 상당히 큰 점, 이 사건 아파트 동별대표자 및 입주자대표회의 회장 선거의 선거방법으로는 구내방송과 선거벽보 부착의 방법만 허용되었는데, 일시적인 구내방송에 비하여 선거인의 통행이 많고 보기 쉬운 장소에 부착되어 지속적인 효과를 가진다고 여겨지는 후보자들의 선거벽보 중 원고의 선거벽보 ( 을 제2호증의 3 ) 에는 원고가 내세운 4가지의 공약 이외에 경력란에 ' ※※ 고등학교 중퇴 ' 라는 허위학력이 기재되어 있어 이러한 기재가 위 선거결과에 아무런 영향이 없었다고 단정하기 어려운 점, 이 사건 아파트 입주자대표회의 회장은 월 판공비 ( 업무집행비 ) 가 20만 원에 불과하여 명예직의 성격을 띠고 입주자에 대한 봉사자로서 활동이 기대되는데다가 이 사건 아파트는 664세대로 구성된 비교적 대규모 단지로서 입주자대표회의 회장이 총괄 집행하는 연간 관리비의 총액이 약 12억 원에 달하여 입주자대표회의 회장은 높은 수준의 청렴성, 도덕성이 요구된다고 봄이 상당한데 원고의 위와 같은 고의적인 허위학력 기재행위는 위와 같은 높은 수준의 청렴성, 도덕성의 요구에 부응하지 못하는 것인 점, 선거관리위원회가 원고의 당선을 무효로 결정하더라도 앞에서 본 선거관리규정상 원고가 그 이후에 치러지는 재선거에서 피선거권을 제한당하는 것은 아니라고 보이므로 위 당선무효 결정이 원고가 이 사건 아파트의 운영에 관하여 참여할 수 있는 기본적인 권리를 과도하게 침해한다고 단정할 수 없는 점 등을 감안하면, 피고의 선거관리위원회가 이 사건 선거에서 고의로 허위학력을 표시한 원고에 대하여 피고 회장 당선무효를 결정한 행위는 재량권을 일탈 내지 남용한 무효인 행위라고 볼 수 없다 .
4. Conclusion
Therefore, the plaintiff's claim of this case is dismissed as it is without merit. Since the judgment of the court of first instance is unfair with different conclusions, the defendant's appeal is accepted, and the judgment of the court of first instance is revoked and the plaintiff's claim is dismissed as per Disposition.
Judges Maximum Head of the District Court
Judges Lee Dong-sung
Judges Noh Sung-sung
1 ) 1951. 11. 29. ※※고등학교로 설립인가를 받았고 1964. 2. 1. ※※종합고등학교로 교명이 변경되었다가 1977. 9. 5. ※※공업고
The school name was changed to that of a school.