The judgment of the first instance court is modified as follows. A.
The Defendant-Counterclaim Plaintiff (Counterclaim Defendant) is KRW 3,495,308 and also the Plaintiff (Counterclaim Defendant).
1. Basic facts - The plaintiff is a company that manufactures textile products, etc., and the defendant is a company that manufactures textile processing machinery, etc.
- The term “busd” is a component of a vertical apparatus that enables the input yarn to be tightly tightly tightly tightly brooms in the direct post and has the same structure as brooms.
(See the following see). - The upper limit of the RED is indicated as the “purchase”, and the purchase is the number of REDs within one person’s section.
For example, the term “18 copies” means 18 parts of the human body.
- Around November 27, 2018, the Plaintiff requested the Defendant to manufacture as 20 x 2,350 mpid 3 mpid dydydydydydydydydydydydydydyds owned by the Plaintiff (as for 18 x 18 m x 2,301m x 1 m 1, 18.5 x 2,060m x 2,01m x 20 m). The Defendant completed the production on December 6, 2018 and supplied it to the Plaintiff.
- However, among the Badi that the Defendant supplied to the Plaintiff, the thickness of part of the part (130m in length) of the part (130m) of the part (130m in length) of the part of the part (130m) was less than the average thickness of 0.45m (0.5m), and the density of the Badididia in the above part was less than 21m (20m).
The following see, hereinafter referred to as "Badi" is referred to as "Badi".
- After the Plaintiff’s removal from office using the instant Baddd, there was an unreasonable level of density at the 7,993 Camps supplied to Nonparty Co., Ltd., and accordingly, the Plaintiff was required to compensate the said company for KRW 17,829,360, around March 2019. [In the absence of any dispute over recognition, A, 1, 2, 7 evidence, 1 through 3 evidence, and the purport of the entire pleadings.]
2. We examine the part of the counterclaim claim for convenience.
As of January 31, 2019, the fact that the Plaintiff requested the Defendant to repair (de-production and re-production) a number of times, and that the amount of KRW 1,853,50 out of the repair amount was unpaid, there is no dispute between the parties.
Therefore, the Plaintiff is obligated to pay KRW 1,853,50 (and damages for delay) to the Defendant.
3. Main office.