(영문) 부산지방법원 2016.06.09 2016고단1586



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for six months.


(b)be transferred to an account;

In addition, the Defendant received totaling KRW 61,478,928 from the injured party over 24 occasions, as indicated in the separate crime list, from around the above day to August 19, 2015.

Accordingly, the defendant was given property by deceiving the victim.

Summary of Evidence

1. Statement by the defendant in court;

1. Each police statement with respect to C and F;

1. Investigation reports, investigation reports (to hear statements by witnesses G excursion ships), and investigation reports (to hear statements by witnesses H);

1. The details of the new bank I Account transactions in the name of the complainant, the details of the personal bank J Account transactions in the name of the complainant, the details of the bank account transactions in the name of the complainant, the SC bank account transactions in the name of the complainant, the evidence of the remittance of damage, the FF bank L Account transactions in the name of the complainant, the details of the F bank N Account transactions in the name of the M, the details of the P Account transactions in the name of the P Bank in the name of the P Bank in the name of the P Bank, Q Q one Bank R Account transactions in the name of the P Bank in the name of the P Bank in the name of the P Bank, the details of the transaction in the name of the P Bank in the name of the P Bank in the name of the P Bank, the details of the Account

1. In a case where: (a) the reduction area (one to one year) in the mitigated area (one month) of type 1 (one to one year) [special mitigation] of punishment or considerable damage has been restored by taking into account the following factors: (b) the victim suffers considerable economic damage, such as repayment of loans; (c) even though there was an agreement with the victim, only a partial repayment and agreement is reached; and (d) the defendant has several records of punishment for the same kind of crime, it is inevitable to sentence the defendant.

However, the circumstances that the defendant reflects the crime and should support the elderly grandparents are considered as the disposition.