(영문) 수원지방법원 여주지원 2014.09.26 2013고단1128




A Imprisonment with prison labor for six years, and for one year, for Defendant B.

However, this judgment is delivered against Defendant B.


Punishment of the crime


A From the beginning of November 2011, 201, from the first floor of the J building in the Gyeonggi-si, Gyeonggi-do, a non-registered credit business was operated, and on April 9, 201, a credit business and loan brokerage business was registered with the third floor of the L building in the Leecheon-si, Leecheon-si, with the third floor of the L building in the Dongcheon-si, the third floor of the L building in the Dongcheon-si, and thereafter, a person who operated credit business and loan brokerage business in the trade name of "M", and Defendant B was an employee at the above lending

"2013 Highest 1128"

1. A person who intends to engage in credit business or loan brokerage business in violation of the Act on the Registration of Credit Business and the Protection of Financial Users due to Defendant A’s non-registration, violation of the said Act, shall register for each place of business with the competent authority having jurisdiction over the relevant place of business, and the interest rate for any loan that any unregistered credit service provider provides shall not exceed 30 percent per annum as provided for in the Interest Limitation Act (30%) with respect

Nevertheless, the Defendant did not register a credit business with the competent authorities, and operated the credit business office with the name of “K” on the first floor of the building JJ in Ycheon-si, Gyeonggi-si, while lending 400,000 won to N on November 4, 201, from that time until April 7, 2012, the Defendant, as shown in the List of Crimes in Attached Table 1, lent 120% per annum exceeding the interest rate stipulated in the Interest Limitation Act to 3 persons, such as N,O, and P, such as N, and P, much more than 120% per annum than 180% per annum to totaling 66,960,000 won over 52 times per annum.

2. Where a credit service provider, etc. that violates the Act on Registration of Credit Business and Protection of Financial Users due to a violation of the Interest Rate Restrictions after Defendant A’s registration of credit business, lends a loan to an individual, the interest rate shall not exceed the rate prescribed by Presidential Decree within the range of 50/100 per annum (the rate shall be 39/100 per annum pursuant to Article 5(2) of the Enforcement Decree of the Act on Registration of Credit Business, etc

Nevertheless, it is not appropriate.