(영문) 전주지방법원 군산지원 2015.10.30 2015고정177



The defendant is innocent. The summary of this judgment shall be notified publicly.


1. On August 31, 2014, the summary of the facts charged was as follows: (a) the Defendant, who operates a main restaurant of D in Kunsan-si C, and (b) the Defendant sold to 7,000 china-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-be-

2. The following circumstances acknowledged by the evidence duly adopted and examined by the court of this case, namely, at the time of this case, E, a juvenile, holds the first identification card that is a female 194, F, the J's identification card that is a female 195, G, the 1992, and H, a female 194, respectively. At the time of this case, H presented a personal identification card that is an adult son to the defendant and his employee. At the time of this case, E was not a brupt, and at the time, at the time, was a 165§¯, and was a large letter of her head, and was also a 165§¯, and it was hard to view that it was hard to view that it was a single juvenile hosome, and that it was difficult to see that it was a single juvenile hodry, and that it was a hodry and a single juvenile hodry, and that it was difficult to see that it was a new juvenile hodry.

In full view of these circumstances, the evidence submitted by the prosecutor alone confirmed that the defendant was a juvenile at the time E, F, G, or H.

There is a reasonable doubt that the alcoholic beverages have been sold under the intention to accept it while recognizing or recognizing the probability of being a juvenile.