(영문) 인천지방법원 2015.04.10 2014고합822




A Imprisonment for three years, for four years, for four years, and for three years and six months, for defendant D, respectively.



Punishment of the crime

Both Defendants are not authorized to handle narcotics.

1. On October 2014, Defendants A, C, and D agreed to import psychotropic drugs from China to the Republic of Korea, along with Lmanman in order, Defendant A, C, and D’s co-principal activities, and agreed to share the role of transporting Handphones claimed by L from China to the Republic of Korea, and the role of Defendant D, Defendant C, and their accompanying persons in transporting Handphones transported from China to Busan, and transporting them to Busan, together with L.


A following the above public offering around October 23, 2014, around October 23, 2014, at the private house in which China is enhanced, four tour rooms were opened for travel, where L was concealed from L to L with approximately 3.7 km.


A and B, around October 26, 2014, around 17:35, around 2014, possessed four travel bags concealed phiphones at the international port of Tai-gu, Incheon, China, and entered the Incheon National Port in Jung-gu, Incheon, which was located in the port of delivery. < Amended by Presidential Decree No. 25789, Oct. 26, 2014>

Accordingly, Defendant A, C, and D imported approximately 3.7 km in collusion with L.

2. On October 24, 2014, Defendant A administered approximately one-time portion of philophonephones ( approximately 0.05g), which was satisoned from L at the time of promotion of China, in a coffee, in a way of satising it to a coffee.

A prosecutor indicted Defendant A to the effect that the first medication (A. 0.05 g) was administered in a dynasium on August 23, 2014 at the place of the crime: (a) around 19:00; and (b) around October 24, 2014, Defendant A indicted Defendant A to the effect that “the first medication was administered in a way that he injecteds the Defendant’s arms using a disposable injection machine.” However, Defendant A was the date and time of the first medication and the second method on the date of the first public trial.