(영문) 수원지방법원 2017.06.20 2017고단2805



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for one year.

However, the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for a period of two years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

The Defendant is responsible for the receipt of cash in the form of telecommunications fraud (hereinafter referred to as “scaming”), and the organization is composed of the members operating the call center at the site and the members who deceiving victims by telephone, and the members who act for the remittance of the funds from the victims. As such, the employee in charge of false statement, such as false statement that “the personal account was involved in an offense and sent money to a safe account,” by phoneing to the victims and misrepresenting the public officials, public institutions, etc., shall make the victims remit money, and accordingly, when the victims remit money, the victims shall transfer money to the victims, such as “the personal account was involved in an offense, so that they shall send money to the safe account,” the victims shall have the victims withdraw money from a number of withdrawals such as D and instruct the victims to deliver money to the Defendant, etc., and the Defendant, upon receiving money from the Scam from the D, etc., obtained a certain amount of money from the victims, and conspired in order to transfer money again to the victims of name.

Accordingly, on April 3, 2017, the non-titled employee called "E investigator of the Seoul Southern District Police Station" by phone to the victim C, and misrepresenting himself as "the victim of the Seoul Southern District Police Station E investigator of the Seoul Southern District Police Station", " 100 won or less of 70 million won has been paid to the victim of the country fraud in the name of the party, since September 12, 2016, it is necessary to confirm the flow of the money up to the present." Further, another non-named employee misrepresented the victim "the inspector in charge of the inspection fund" and instructed the victim to " deposit money to the virtual account of the head of the division D," and the victim divided the victim's KRW 24 million with the No. D account (G) account in the name of 12:02 on the same day, KRW 13:49 on the same day and KRW 8.6 million with the above account in the name of the victim, and ordered the victim to withdraw the money in the name of H.