(영문) 대구지방법원 서부지원 2018.05.10 2017고합176



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for 18 years.

A knife (No. 1) for seized wild boars match shall be confiscated.

In this case.


Punishment of the crime

[2017 Gohap 176] The Defendant is the victim D(58) and an elementary school, and his spouse E and 207 live together from around 2007, and reported marriage on June 26, 2012, and F is a de facto spouse of the victim.

On August 1, 2017, the Defendant found that E was in a usual manner in the vicinity of G in his/her photograph, while he/she sought the whereabouts of his/her wife E, who was in his/her own house on August 1, 2017. The Defendant showed the victim’s photograph of G stored in his/her cell phone, and discovered that E was in a misunderstanding, mass production, beer, and Is in a brush.

Accordingly, the defendant was the victim, who was in a relationship with G, and the victim "The victim is the friendship of G, and the person who philopon is a person who philopon, and G has sought a philopon.

“The house has returned to G around July 7, 2017, and at the house F and E, four persons drink alcoholic beverages at the house, and the house F and E play together, and E and G are not aware of diving in the inside room, but G and E return to each house on the following day.

“I have heard the word “”.

Accordingly, the Defendant provided the victim with the Melopopic clopic clopic copic copic copic copic copic copic copic copic copic copic copic copic copic copic copic copic copic copic copic copic copic copic copic copic copic copic copic copic copic coppopic copic copic copic copic copic copic copic copic copic copic copic cop

In this regard, the Defendant was under the influence of alcohol on August 14, 2017, and the victim’s house was under the influence of alcohol on August 23:59, while disputing the above problem with the victim, the Defendant expressed the victim’s bath, boomed him/her, and took the face of the victim.

Since August 15, 2017, the defendant found E around 18:24 on August 15, 2017 with respect to the case of receiving philopon between G and the victim.