(영문) 대구지방법원 서부지원 2014.10.07 2014고단1219



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than eight months.


Punishment of the crime

A person who intends to run a motor vehicle management business shall register with the head of a Si/Gun/Gu, as prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of

Nevertheless, from January 5, 2010 to March 7, 2014, the Defendant occupied and traded D Building 521 Dong 1301, Dong 1301, a building in Gyeonggi-si, without due process for the transfer of a legitimate name, throughout the country, such as the Defendant’s residence, etc., and the actual driver and the nominal owner of the registration join the Internet “E” website, which is a inter-Korean vehicle broker, and reported the sale of each site under their own name, and again up to selling a number of “large car” purchased on the said site without the transfer of registration under their own name, and without the registration of the automobile management business, the Defendant run the automobile sales business without the registration of the automobile management business.

Summary of Evidence

1. Defendant's legal statement;

1. Each prosecutor's interrogation protocol concerning F;

1. Letters of public correspondence;

1. Application of the Acts and subordinate statutes for investigation reporting;

1. The act of purchasing, selling, arranging the sale and purchase of a motor vehicle under a name that does not have a legitimate registration of transfer of a reason for sentencing under Article 79 subparag. 13 of the Automobile Management Act and Articles 79 subparag. 13 and 53(1) of the Selection of Punishment Act (Optional to Imprisonment) is a violation of the Automobile Management Act in itself as well as a crime of violation of the Automobile Management Act, such as imposition of a fine for negligence on violation of laws, collection of automobile tax, etc. due to distribution of a large vehicle, and there is a great need to strictly punish victims due to increased operation of a non-insurance motor vehicle, which might be used for various criminal acts, and the defendant has been punished several times as a violation of the Automobile Management Act.