(영문) 수원지방법원 2015.02.06 2014나27804



1. The plaintiff's claim that is changed in exchange in the trial is dismissed.

2. All costs of the lawsuit shall be borne by the Plaintiff.


The plaintiff asserts that the defendant was liable to pay to the plaintiff the above amount of 10,902,170 won for the goods due to the defendant's failure to pay 10,902,170 won, since the defendant lent the name of the farming association association member in around 2003 and operated the agricultural products distribution business individually with the consent of its members. The plaintiff also sold agricultural products to the defendant and the defendant did not pay 10,902,170 won for the goods. However, the evidence submitted by the plaintiff alone is insufficient to acknowledge the above argument and there is no other evidence to

Therefore, the plaintiff's claim of this case changed in exchange at the trial of the party is dismissed as it is without merit (Gu's lawsuit was withdrawn from the exchange change of the lawsuit at the trial of the party and its judgment in the first instance became null and void) and it is so decided as per Disposition.