(영문) 부산지방법원 서부지원 2017.06.27 2017고단198



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for one year.

Seized evidence 1 to 15 shall be confiscated.


Punishment of the crime

The telecommunications financing fraud organization is an organization that operates a call center in China and commits a crime under the law of borrowing deposits, etc. by misrepresenting a financial institution or investigation agency against many unspecified people. The organization is operated in the form of an organization by sharing its roles such as “induction” (hereinafter “induction”) which solicits unspecified victims by telephone, etc. to commit the crime, “induction recruitment” which solicits large-scale victims to be used for the crime, “induction recruitment” which solicits large-scale victims to withdraw and deliver cash deposited in the passbook, “induction” which withdraws and delivers cash deposited in the passbook, and “induction” which plans and instructs the overall crime.

On March 22, 2017, the Defendant had received a proposal from a person (one name: C team leader; hereinafter referred to as “C”) who was unable to know the name known through a job offering advertisement to the effect that “1% of the amount of cash transfer on the face of the transfer of money deposited in accordance with the instructions given by delivery of a cash card sent nationwide shall be paid as allowances,” and received such a proposal, thereby attempting to comply with C’s instructions.

The Defendant was aware of the crimes of Bosing through the media, etc., and was well aware of the fact that the act of withdrawing cash and remitting cash in accordance with C’s instructions is related to the crimes.

A person who is not aware of the name of the telecommunications financial organization will obtain money by misrepresenting the victim by means of misrepresenting the investigation agency, etc. to divide the roles of each leader, each leader, and each person who is in charge of solicitation of passbooks and withdrawals, and the defendant also conspired in order to commit the phishing crime by taking advantage of the above roles.

1. A person whose name is not known as a counselor for a fraudulent telecommunications financing fraud organization shall not be found to have been involved in a phishing crime committed by the victim D at a place where the location of the light is unknown on April 5, 2017.