(영문) 광주지방법원 목포지원 2015.09.03 2015고합101



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for one year.

However, the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for three years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

1. With respect to Cmph, at the same time as “E” in the vicinity of a distance without a difference in a spathic spathic spathic spathic spathic spathic spathic spathic spathic spathic spathic spathic spathic spathic spathic spathic spathic spathic spathic spathic spathic spathic spathic spathic spathic spathic spathic ste

Cmph, which is a violent organization, shall be subject to conditions at the end of the ship. The 90-meter snife the ship, and the area of the ship, and when fighting is conducted with the opposing violent investigators, she will salute and salute the ship when fighting is conducted with them.” The code of conduct set the entertainment shop of the Mapo-si Mapo-si as the main activity stage, and set the money as the main activity stage.

After that, CP has been engaged in the operation of entertainment establishments and game rooms by expanding the activity stage to the vicinity of the new depth of the party, continuously exchanging communication among the members, and exercising violence by gathering as soon as there is a dispute between other competition force and the leading authority.

Cmpha is a criminal organization established with the aim of suppressing the other party's force by exercising violence as above.

2. Around August 2014, the Defendant joined a criminal organization with knowledge of the fact that Cmpha is a violent organization, upon the solicitation of F of Cmpha staff at an infinite place (hereinafter referred to as “Ampha”).

3. The co-principal offenders with G, H, F, and I as well as the victim J, G, H, F, I and the victim J as a criminal organization; G are two-year courses of the defendant; H and F are one-year courses of the defendant; H and F are one-year courses of the defendant; I are motive, and the victim J is one-year course of the victim J.

The Defendant, along with G, H, F, I, and I, listen to the claims that the Victim J would not break down the organized vessel at the end of August, 2014, and to correct the internal discipline inside the organization, he/she is located in Kapo-si in order to listen to the claims of the Victim J.