(영문) 광주지방법원 2014.08.14 2013구합1942

환지예정지 지정처분 취소


1. All of the plaintiffs' claims are dismissed.

2. The costs of lawsuit are assessed against the plaintiffs.


1. Basic facts

A. The defendant is the party's status as the implementer of a regional development project in the B district with the following contents, and the plaintiffs are the owners of each land listed in the attached Table 2.

B. On October 24, 2006, the Defendant publicly notified the designation of an urban development zone and the establishment of a development plan pursuant to Articles 3 and 4 of the Urban Development Act (hereinafter “instant project zone”) and publicly notified the designation of an urban development zone as follows and the establishment of a development plan (Seoul Metropolitan City C).

Designation of Urban Development Zones and formulation and public announcement of development plans therefor.

1. Name of an urban development zone: B district urban development project zone;

2. Location and area of an urban development zone: 611,000 square meters in total for all members of the Gwangju Mine-gu.

5. Period for implementing an urban development project and period for performing an urban development project: The date of authorization of implementation plan to December 30, 2010: the method of implementing an urban development project; and

C. On January 24, 2007, the Defendant announced the amendment of the development plan and the authorization of the implementation plan, and the modification of the land use plan and the infrastructure plan for the urban development project of the B district (hereinafter “instant project”) that was publicly notified as above, and publicly notified the contents of the authorization of the implementation plan as follows (Seoul Metropolitan City G).

Authorization of an execution plan shall be granted.

1. Project name: Urban development project of B district;

3. Location and area of an urban development zone: 611,000 square meters in total for all members of the Gwangju Mine-gu.

4. Implementers: The location of the defendant: Seo-gu in Gwangju.

5. Period: The method of land substitution under the Urban Development Act from January 24, 2007 to December 6, 2010; and

D. Some landowners within the instant project area’s civil petition and recommendation by the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission are not more than 60,000 square meters of land designated as buffer greenbelts in D general industrial complexes i.e., the Ministry of Construction and Transportation published on November 21, 198, by the Defendant, the Board of Audit and Inspection, and the Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission.