(영문) 대전지방법원 2018.08.17 2018고정285




A A shall be punished by a fine of KRW 2,00,00, by each fine of KRW 700,000,000, Defendant B, C, D, E, F, and G.

The Defendants are the defendants.


Punishment of the crime

1. Although Defendant B’s owner or user of a private-use truck has not provided or leased the private-use truck for transport purposes for a fee, the Defendant from the end of June 2017 to the same year.

9. From September to September, to receive KRW 1,00,00 per month from the I branch in Daejeon Dong-gu, Daejeon to receive KRW 1,00,000 per month, and deliver a private-use truck from Daejeon to the J-owned truck, which is one of its own, for the commercial transport of cargo.

2. Although Defendant C’s owner or user of a private-use truck has not provided or leased the private-use truck for transport purposes for a fee, the Defendant has from around June 30, 2017 the same year.

9. During the period of 9.9. the freight rates of KRW 750 to KRW 1,300 per unit of the delivery delivery delivery at the above I, using the private-use truck, which is one of its own, supplied the private-use truck for a cargo transport purpose by delivering the delivery of the distribution of the distribution of the distribution of the cargo at the Daejeon District.

3. Although Defendant D’s owner or user of a private-use truck has not provided or leased the private-use truck for transport purposes for a fee, the Defendant has from around June 30, 2017 the same year.

9. During the period of 9.9. the freight rates of KRW 750 to KRW 1,300 per unit of the delivery delivery at the above I, using the private-use truck, which is one of its own, supplied the private-use truck for the purpose of transporting cargo at the Daejeon War.

4. The owner or user of a private-use truck has not provided or leased the private-use truck for transport purposes at a cost, but the defendant has given the same year from June 30, 2017.

9.9. Between September 1, 200, the freight of KRW 750 to KRW 1,300 per unit of delivery at the above I branch is charged and owned by it.