(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2015.05.28 2014가합34831



1. The defendant's notary public against the plaintiff is No. 450 of the 2005 deed prepared by the Changwon Law Firm on April 19, 2005.


1. Basic facts

A. C on April 19, 2005, on behalf of the Plaintiff and the Plaintiff, the Defendant lent KRW 50,000,000 between the Defendant and the Defendant to D on behalf of the Plaintiff, and on May 23, 2005, the maturity date shall be May 23, 2005, and the interest shall be 5% per annum, and the delay damages shall be 66% per annum, and the Plaintiff shall make a monetary loan contract with the content that the Plaintiff guarantees the obligation of D, and the notary public shall draw up an authentic deed (Evidence 1; hereinafter “instant authentic deed”).

B. The power of attorney attached to the notarial deed of this case is to delegate the authority of the plaintiff and D to entrust C with the preparation of the notarial deed of this case concerning monetary loan contract. The name of D is written in the column for joint and several sureties, the plaintiff's name is written in the column for joint and several sureties, and the defendant's name is written in the column for creditor's column. The date of loan is written in March 23, 2005; the loan amount is 50,000,000 won; the due date is May 23, 2005; the interest rate is 60% per annum; the delay damages is 66% per annum; the name of the plaintiff and D is written in the form for delegation of the above power of attorney; and the names of the plaintiff and D are affixed to each other.

The delegation is accompanied by each certificate of personal seal impression issued by the plaintiff and D on January 20, 2005.

(A) No. 2, hereinafter referred to as "the letter of delegation and certificate of personal seal impression".

On May 30, 2014, the Defendant received a collection order for the Plaintiff’s wage claim amounting to KRW 187,753,424 from this court on the basis of the Notarial Deed of this case.

[Ground of recognition] Facts without dispute, entry of Gap 1 and 2 evidence (including each number; hereinafter the same shall apply), the purport of the whole pleadings

2. Summary of the plaintiff's assertion

A. The Plaintiff’s assertion (1) and D did not know the Defendant, and they did not borrow money from the Defendant. The instant proxy and certificate of personal seal impression prepared by the Plaintiff and D are from F.