(영문) 서울남부지방법원 2017.11.02 2016가단201665



1. The Defendants jointly share KRW 17,731,647 to Plaintiff A, KRW 17,728,547 to Plaintiff B, and KRW 18,340,717 to Plaintiff C, respectively.


1. Facts of recognition;

A. Defendant F is a doctor who operates a hospital called “I” in Yangcheon-gu Seoul Metropolitan Government H, and Defendant G is a assistant nurse and Defendant F’s wife, who takes charge of Defendant F’s business assistance, administrative affairs, etc. at the above hospital.

B. The Defendants, while operating the above hospital together, displayed the number of injection to the beer of patients under the pretext of dye, pital therapy, recovery from skin, and climatic therapy, and used the method of treating the dyecium in which the dyecium, sye, syecine, and syeculine, etc. (hereinafter “mix injection”) are mixed with the symptoms of patients depending on the symptoms of the patients (hereinafter “syecule injection”), and the method of treating the dyeculine in which the dyeculine injection containing the dyecine injection in the skin of patients (hereinafter “syecul method”).

C. From May 2008, Defendant F included the mixed injection amount to be used for 2-3 patients at each new one-time injection period on the ground that it is difficult for each patient to inject the combined injection amount into a new one-time injection period, and used the symptoms for 2-3 patients with similar symptoms, and reuse one-time injection period to many patients, while enforcing the scrupty Act against the patients.

Defendant G, despite being aware of the fact that Defendant F reuses of a disposable injection device while treating the patient as seen above, Defendant F prepared mixed injections, and assisted patients with the process of implementing the “Ledide injection” and the “Sevis cream Act,” and reused a disposable injection device during that process.

E. The Plaintiffs are admitted to I, and at that hospital, Plaintiff A from January 11, 2014 to November 17, 2015 at that hospital.