(영문) 대전지방법원 2012.11.15 2012고단2025



Defendants shall be punished by imprisonment for two years.

However, from the date of the final judgment of this case, each of the above three years against the Defendants.


Criminal facts

[Attachment Public Offering and Allocation of Duties] E (Separate Detention), F, G (Unified Arrest), H, I, J, K, L (scheduled to File a separate indictment) and M (unified Arrest), which are the directors of a certified judicial scrivener office, purchased a price with no or little possibility of development, and made a public invitation to acquire the difference by deceiving customers as if the price increases, disposing of it at a low price, and by inviting them to acquire the difference. On April 26, 2010, the office was divided into five and eight stories of the Seo-gu Daejeon Daejeon Daejeon Nbuilding, Daejeon, with the trade name of (O), and the office was divided into two offices, and the executive officers and employees of the business division were recruited.


B From the beginning of November 2010 to the first place of business in order to have five planned real estate sellers attend the real estate sales business, B takes the lead of entering into a contract with the victims who worked for the first place as business directors from the end of June 201, who had been engaged in the business of operating employees and provided education on operating methods, etc. to the business employees and recruited by the business employees. From August 15, 2018, the Defendant A moved three planning real estate sellers from around August 2008 to the three planning real estate sellers and moved the business, and from November 15, 2010 to the above (O), the head of the business division recruited victims to purchase the land and confirmed that there was no possibility of the development of the PPPP in order to develop the PPP from the first place of business in Gyeonggi-do to the extent that it had been known that there was no possibility of the development of the PPPP as being developed by the PPP or the first place of business.