(영문) 대구지방법원경주지원 2015.10.16 2014가합2921



1. All of the plaintiffs' claims are dismissed.

2. The costs of lawsuit are assessed against the plaintiffs.


1. Basic facts

A. The defendant is a company established for the purpose of real estate development business, etc., and X is the representative director of the defendant company, and the plaintiffs are the following.

The parties who have entered into a contract with the defendant as described in paragraph (1).

나. 납부계약 및 운영마케팅 업무대행계약 체결 원고 계약일자 매물의표시(㎡) 호실 납부가격(원) 토지 건축면적 토지 건물 A 2014. 1. 27. 156.18 59.18 Z호, AA호실, 2구좌 59,240,000 178,060,000 ㈜B 2014.경 78.09 35.99 AB호, AA호실,1구좌 29,620,000 92,980,000 C 2014. 3. 11. 156.18 71.99 AC호, AA호실, 2구좌 59,240,000 185,960,000 D 2014. 1. 27. 78.09 34.59 AD호, AA호실, 1구좌 29,620,000 89,030,000 E 2014. 1. 11. 78.09 35.99 AB호, AA호실, 1구좌 29,620,000 92,980,000 F 2014. 3. 9. 78.09 34.59 AD호, AA호실, 1구좌 29,620,000 89,030,000 G 2014. 1. 27. 78.09 26.59 AE호, AF호실, 1구좌 29,620,000 70,230,000 H 2013. 12. 21. 156.18 71.99 AG호, AA호실, 2구좌 59,240,000 285,960,000 I 2014. 1. 27. 78.09 34.59 AH호, AA호실, 1구좌 29,620,000 83,380,000 J 2014. 1. 27. 78.09 34.59 AI호, AA호실, 1구좌 29,620,000 83,380,000 K 2014. 1. 27. 78.09 34.59 AJ호, AA호실, 1구좌 29,620,000 83,380,000 L 2014. 1. 27. 78.09 35.99 AK호, AA호실, 1구좌 29,620,000 85,380,000 M 2014. 1. 27. 78.09 26.59 AH호, AF호실, 1구좌 29,620,000 70,230,000 N 2014. 1. 27. 156.18 69.18 AJ호, AA호실, 2구좌 59,240,000 168,760,000 O 2014. 4. 16. 156.18 71.99 AK호, AA호실, 2구좌 59,240,000 185,960,000 P 2014. 1. 27. 78.09 34.59 AL호, AA호실,1구좌 29,620,000 83,380,000 Q 2014. 1. 27. 78.09 34.59 AL호, AA호실, 1구좌 29,620,000 83,380,000 R 2014. 1. 27. 156.38 53.18 AL호, AJ호실, 2구좌 59,240,000 140,460,000 S 2014. 1. 27. 156.18 69.18 AM호, AA호실, 2구좌 59,240,000 166,760,000 T 2014. 3. 18. 156.18 71.99 AN호, AA호실, 2구좌 59,240,000 185,960,000 U 2014. 1. 27. 156.18 69.18 AO호, AA호실, 2구좌 59,240,000 160,760,000 V 2014. 3. 26. 78.09 26.59 AI호, AF호실, 1구좌 29,620,000 70...