(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2012.11.1.선고 2012고단4898 판결



2012 Highest 4898 Violation of the Pharmaceutical Affairs Act


Kim 00 (00000 - 00000) - Company members

Seoul Residence

Seoul basic domicile


Madden (Lawsuits) and Gambane (Public Trial)

Defense Counsel

Attorney Lee Hun-woo

Imposition of Judgment

November 1, 2012


A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for one year.

The number 1, 2, 4 through 18, 23 through 38 of the total list of seized articles shall be forfeited from the accused.


Criminal facts

The defendant, who is a director of (ju) 000 for the purpose of manufacturing and selling functional health foods, was discovered at around 200 that he was working for the defendant at around 209 that he manufactured the product using the white source material, etc. from (ju) 000, which is the treatment ingredients prior to the launch of health functional foods, and stored the source material, etc. after being discovered that the product was manufactured by using such white source material, etc., the defendant attempted to manufacture and sell the Korean cryptic agents on the white source material containing the above 'the 'the 'the 'the 'the 'the 'the ' the ' the ' the ' the ' the ' the ' the ' the ' the ' the ' the ' the ' the ' the

1. Any person who intends to engage in the business of manufacturing drugs shall have necessary facilities according to the facility standards prescribed by Presidential Decree and obtain permission from the Commissioner of the Korea Food and Drug Administration, as prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry

Nevertheless, at around February 2011, the Defendant manufactured 20,00 color source materials mixed with non-explosion 20,00 by using packaging paper containing false descriptions, such as manufacturing cost, manufacturing cost, business license number, manufacturing number, distribution period, consumer counseling room, etc. at the Defendant’s residential place located in Seoul 00-Gu 000-dong, 17 Gao-si, 16 Gao-si, 16 Gao-si, 13 Mali-si, Mali-si, 5 Mali-si, etc., and then manufactured as above. From the above date and time to December 2012, 2012

8. In addition to the white source materials kept by the end of 30.3, in addition to the white source materials kept as above, the composition of the white source materials purchased through international special transmission from Chinese supply books was manufactured by using the above methods equivalent to 10kg of the white source materials, including 115,00,000 (the retail market price is 1720,500,000 won) such as the same product name, and the name of the goods is different.

2. No person other than a pharmacy founder may sell drugs or acquire them for the purpose of sale; and

Nevertheless, the defendant, on April 201, delivered 500 - 00 - 000 - 000 - 000 - 00 - 1,250 - from the above date and time to August 201, 201 as stated in the list of crimes, '0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 - 1,250 ,000 - from the above date and time to August 201, '0 -0 -0 - 00 - 00 - from the above date and time to August 201, '0 - 00 - 00 - 00 - Busan, Busan,000 Busan,000 - 00 00 00 - 00 00 ,000 - 1,000 - ,00 - ,00

Summary of Evidence

1. Defendant's legal statement;

1. Each prosecutor's protocol of examination of the accused;

1. Each police suspect interrogation protocol against the defendant, 50, and 00;

1. Each police protocol of statement about 100, 100, 100, 100, 100

1. 각 수사보고 ( 명품활력정 구매 보고, 구매대금 강00 계좌로 입금, 00 생명과학 제조원 등 허위표시, 00 생명과학 - 00 / 00 생약조합으로 계속 영업 확인, 00 생명과학 동종전과 등 확인, 전화상담원 녹취록 첨부, 명품활력정 발기부전치료제 검출, ' 실데나필 ' 부작용 자료 첨부, 웰빙코리아 명품활력정 판매확인, 명품활력정 공급처 00물산 확인, 00 생명과학 거래명세표 기재 사업자등록번호 허위확인, 00 생명과학 명품활력정 품목제조보고서 허위 확인, 명품활력정 시험성적서 허위 확인, 00 생명과학 정00 명함 기재사항 허위 , 00 생명과학 김00 소재 허위, 활력정 추가발송 송장 첨부 보고, 명품활력정 포장박스 제조업체 확인, 또다른 허위기재 파워큐 제품 상자 확인 보고, 진술서 및 파워큐 인쇄원판 인수, 차명계좌 하나은행 정00 거래내역 ), 안내문 1부, 품질보증서 1부, 제품사진 12매, 감정의뢰내역서 1부, 감정의뢰 사진 6매, 각 이체확인증 1부, 각 배송조회 내역 1부, 명품활력정 제품 사진, 강원 00시 00읍 00리 00 현장사진, ( 주 ) 00 생명과학 ( 한국생 약조합 ) 현장사진, 00 생명과학 ' 천기잠 ' 발기부전치료제 검출, 00 생명과학 ' 활기원 ' 긴급회수명령, 00 생약조합 ' 여명 130 ' 긴급회수명령, 00 생명과학 이00 판결문 사본, 녹취록 ( 전화상담원 한00 ), 국립과학수사연구원 감정서, 발기부전성분 넣은 홍기천 판매일당 적발, 강00 농협계좌 입 / 출금내역, 명품활력정 배송사진 4매, 명품활력정 반품사진 4매 , 명품활력정 구매 비교사진 6매, 강00 명품활력정 판매 ( 입금 ) 내역, 각 압수조서, 각 압수목록, 각 압수수색검증영장 집행현장 사진, 판매내역 세부설명 5부, 판매제품내역 3부 , 사이트 주문조회내역 2부, 화물추적관리 내역 1부, 신분증사본, 주문서 18매, 판매전략 및 홍보자료 ( 제품설명 ) 13부, 안내문 6부, 각 명품활력정 구매 거래명세서, 홍기천 판매내역, 홍기천 판매 장부, 명품활력정 판매내역 20부, 홍기천 판매내역 8부, 각 식품품 목제조보고서 ( 00바이오텍 ), ( 주 ) 00 생명과학 정00 명함, 식품시험성적서 ( 명품활력정 ), 명품활력정 검사 ( 정량 ) 결과 회보, 검사성적서, 명품활력정 시험성적서, 에코바이오코리아 사용 시험 성적서, 홍기천 제품 인쇄틀, 활력정 / 활력정골드 / 홍기천 용기 인쇄원판 사진 4매, 활력정 용기 보관 사진 4매, 거래명세표 ( 박00 주소지로 택배발송 ), 활력정 / 활력정 골드 / 명품활력정 용기 사진 8매, 파워큐 제품 상자 사진 3매, 판매상세내역, 주문서 2 매, 구매대금 입금 완료 내역서, 활력정 판매 내역, 판매내역 파일 자료 내역, 0000 여주식품공장 사진 8매, 학산코스모스텔 및 김00 출근 사진 6매, 압수물 채증사진, 각 압수수색검증영장 집행결과 보고, 통장사본 ( 우리은행 ), 생기정 사진, 홍기천 상자 사진 , 김00 사용 위조 명판 / 도장 사진, 최실장 거래내역, 부산 생산출고, 영신환 재고장, 각 정산서, 원본대조필, 영신환 생산일지, 5월 일자별 작업계획, 출장정산서, 식품품목제조 보고서, 활기단 품질보증서, 명판 ( 주식회사 00테크 김00 ), 영수증, 활력정 케이스 사진 , 거래명세서 사본, 약속어음 사본, 업소전경 및 원본필름 사진, 명함 ( 정00, 송00 ) / 품목제 조보고서 / 제품사진, 기간별 거래보고 ( 주식회사 00 비엔에스 ), 통장거래내역 ( 우리은행 박00 ), 통장거래내역 ( 하나은행 정00 ), 송00 ( 김00 ) 택배발송 현황, 택배송장 사본, 수하물 영수증 사본, 김00 판매내역 및 금액, 각 금융거래내역 ( 하나은행 정00 / 우리은행 박00 ) , 김00 차명계좌 입금내역, 000 / 00피앤지 차명계좌 입금내역 , 법령의 적용

1. Article relevant to the facts constituting an offense and the selection of punishment;

Article 93(1)4, Article 31(1), Article 93(1)7, and Article 44(1) of the Pharmaceutical Affairs Act (Selection of Imprisonment with Labor);

1. Aggravation for concurrent crimes;

Articles 37 (former part), 38 (1) 2, and 50 of the Criminal Act

1. Confiscation;

Article 48(1) of the Criminal Act

The reason for sentencing is that the defendant recognized the crime of this case from the investigative agency to the court, and his mistake is divided, and the defendant has no power to commit any crime other than the fine due to the violation of the Road Traffic Act.

However, in light of various circumstances, the manufacturer, manufacturer, business license number, manufacturing number, distribution period, consumer consultation room, etc., the defendant made and sold the non-processed drugs of this case by falsely indicating the manufacturing source, manufacturing source, manufacturing source, business license number, distribution period, consumer consultation room, etc., as well as the manufacture and sale of non-processed drugs of this case, it is reasonable to strictly punish the defendant. Accordingly, the defendant should be punished as per the disposition, considering various circumstances favorable to the defendant, such as the above, such as the fact that the product manufacturing report or test report for non-processed drugs of this case was forged.


Judges Cha fixed-term