(영문) 수원지방법원 안산지원 2020.06.10 2020고단862



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than eight months.

except that the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for two years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

On November 21, 2019, the Defendant received the notice from an employee of the Defendant’s cell phone scaming, “A loan shall not be made due to lack of credit points, and at the end, to be known of Company B, through a person called “C,” and introduced the head of Company D through a nameless organization that misrepresented B Company D through a person named B, and then, accepted the proposal, “A loan will be made under the status of credit, after repeatedly accumulating the Defendant’s transaction performance through the Defendant’s account,” and then, notified the said person under the name of the Defendant, “A bank account number (F) and the account number (H) in the name of the Defendant.”

The Defendant, in accordance with the above lending procedures and instructions, knew or suspected of delivering the amount of money to the person who was unable to obtain the name, failed to confirm whether the person who was unable to obtain the name was actually affiliated with I.I., whether B is a lending company where the company exists, and whether such a method of lending is possible, without confirming whether the Defendant’s name was actually affiliated with I.I., the Defendant informed the person who was unable to obtain the name, two account number 2 of the Defendant’s name, and attempted to facilitate the Defendant’s crime of singing the name, by withdrawing the money deposited in the said account according to the instructions of the person who was unable to obtain the name, and by delivering it to another person who was unable

1. On November 21, 2019, when the victim J’s name or incompeting staff is unknown, the victim J assumes the staff of the International Association of Telecommunications in a place where the location is unknown, and “in order to apply for a loan to a financial institution, it shall install apps and pay in KRW 10 million for the issuance of a letter of guarantee issued by K after the victim’s certification.

In addition, if the existing government support year is not repaid KRW 10 million, it shall be repaid if the loan is deposited to the account known and known.