(영문) 특허법원 2020.01.09 2019허4666



1. The plaintiff's claim is dismissed.

2. The costs of lawsuit shall be borne by the Plaintiff.


1. Basic facts

A. Name of the invention claimed in this case (Evidence 2 (A) 1: B) the international filing date/application number: C/D3) claims (amended by April 26, 2018) 【 Claim 1 【 Claim, Claim 1】 as a flag board equipped with the number of multiple floors (hereinafter “Composition 1”).

(i) At least one of the above floors is the (oped) bulk cargo covering metal acids and directly covered by metal-rating layers (hereinafter referred to as “contributent 2”).

(1) The above machine covers the strong board directly covered by the above cargo floor (hereinafter referred to as the “entent 3”)

(i)The above metal co-rating layer contains at least 8 metrics of weight and at least 10 metrics of weight and is due to steel, additional raw materials, and manufacturing process (hereinafter referred to as “entents 4”).

(i)The metal co-rating floor itself is directly covered by the corrosion-rating floor (hereinafter referred to as “contributing 5”).

2) The term “instant Claim 1 invention” means a board with multiple floors (hereinafter referred to as “instant Claim 1 invention”).

【Request No. 2-9, 11-16] The technical field of technology and background-based art are related to multi-story plates and their manufacturing methods (the short number / 01). Steel plates generally have been covered by metal painting, and the creation of metal painting is changed according to the final usage of the sign board. These joints can be used for example, for example, Aluminium, Aluminium, Mazineium, or its compounds, and may include one or more floors, and for example, it may be applied to other co-rating technologies publicly known to the party business operators in the technical field such as the first-class method, the deep-class type or the first-class type method (the short number / 02). On the other hand, it is formed on the surface of the strong-rating machine regardless of the above co-rating method, and it is not applicable to the final surface of the plate, and it is not applicable to the area of the plate.