(영문) 의정부지방법원고양지원 2013.05.30 2012가단22252

영업허가명의변경 등


1. The plaintiffs' claims against the defendants are all dismissed.

2. The costs of lawsuit are assessed against the plaintiffs.


1. The parties' assertion

A. The plaintiffs' assertion 1) On February 29, 2008, the plaintiffs asserted that the F apartment Nos. 101 and 102 of the first floor of the F apartment underground in Gyeyang-gu, Youngyang-gu, Soyang-gu, Seoul, and that the second floor Nos. 201 and 202 of the second floor of the underground Co., Ltd. (hereinafter "the instant Co., Ltd.").

A. The lease deposit amount of KRW 40 million, monthly rent of KRW 6 million, and the lease period of KRW 2 million from March 5, 2008 was set and leased to Defendant D as from March 5, 2008. Upon the Defendant D’s demand from Defendant D to transfer the name of the business report, the business report was succeeded to the Plaintiff’s business report under the name of Defendant A before 30 days of the above lease agreement in order to receive the transfer of the name of the business report in the name of Plaintiff A, without any conditions, before the 30 days of the above lease agreement, and the said lease deposit was not paid if not implemented.

2 The Plaintiffs are referred to as the “H church” of the G Religious Organization on November 17, 2008.

The part of the health care 103 and 104 of the underground floor of the instant letter and the same building, and the part of the health care 104 of the instant letter and the above health care hereinafter referred to as “the instant letter, etc.” means “the instant letter, etc.”

(3) However, in collusion with Defendant D who did not pay rent for the instant friendship, etc., the H church agreed to accept KRW 2.5 billion for the Plaintiff’s debt related to the instant friendship. However, the H church failed to comply with the agreement, and Defendant C agreed to accept the status of the H church on August 14, 2009, and the Plaintiffs completed the registration of ownership transfer under the name of Defendant C with respect to the instant friendship, etc. on August 14, 2009. However, the Defendant C, while failing to perform the obligation under the agreement, was liable to transfer the business report of the instant friendship to the Plaintiffs, and transferred the name of the business report of the instant friendship in collusion with Defendant C.

4. As a result, the Defendants came to have enormous profits by running the instant letter of credit. On the other hand, the Plaintiffs are the Plaintiffs.