(영문) 대전고등법원 2021.01.22 2019누11758



1. The part of the judgment of the first instance against the Plaintiff that orders the cancellation below shall be revoked.


1. Details of the disposition;

A. From June 23, 1981 to January 31, 2016, the Plaintiff was an employee of the Korea Railroad Corporation (former Railroad Corporation) who is in charge of maintaining and repairing tracks.

B. On September 2016, the Plaintiff applied for medical care benefits, etc. to the Defendant on the ground that he/she suffered from an occupational accident.

원고의 신청서와 첨부한 소견서 등에 의하면, 원고는 재해의 원인으로 ‘ 중량물을 들어올리는 작업을 하면서 2008년 경부터 추간판 장애로 간헐적 치료를 받다가 2015. 5. 21. 고르지 못한 선로에서 침목을 들던 중 허리를 삐끗 하여 요추 부 척추 협착증의 진단을 받았다’ 는 취지로 기재하였고, 증상으로 ‘ 허리 통증 및 하지 방사 통’ 이라고 기재하였으며, 상 병명으로 ‘ 요추 3-4-5- 천추 간 신경관 및 추 간 공 협착증’ 과 ‘ 요추 3-4-5- 천추 간 추간판 탈출증’ 을 기재하였다( 이하 ‘ 신청 상병’ 이라 한다). 다.

On December 27, 2016, the Defendant rendered a disposition not to accept the Plaintiff’s application for medical care benefits, etc. (hereinafter “instant disposition”). The main reason is as follows.

In the case of the claimed injury, only 4-5 metreciated spin chron febrate febrate febrate few, and the remaining injury is not confirmed, and spin febrate febrate febrate febrates are narrow in congenital or in a chronological scale, causing febrogical symptoms, and it is not recognized as naturally related to a person with her duties, even if there are various causes that may affect the febism change in the febism, such as the attitude, action, age, etc. in daily life. The Plaintiff's duties are confirmed to require power due to the bebio febebeg and heavy material handling, but the Plaintiff's duties are confirmed to have caused the cumulative burden to the extent that it causes the excessive burden on the part of the application.
