(영문) 울산지방법원 2014.03.27 2013고단3913




A Imprisonment of 10 months, Defendant B, and Defendant C are punished by a fine of 5 million won, and Defendant D is punished by a fine of 2 million won.


Punishment of the crime

The Amato-game machine is a speculative machine with a so-called “eng and mermosome” function, in which the winning points are continuously accumulated, as the three short screen pictures are set up in a sort of string current game and are consistent with the screen, a certain point is set aside, and a red and fluor is expected to change the screen and the highest point of 1.6 million won is anticipated, and the winning points are continuously accumulated.


A은 울산 남구 G에 있는 상호 없는 창고에서 게임장을 운영하기로 마음먹고 게임물등급위원회로부터 등급분류를 받지 아니한 게임물인 야마토게임기 25대를 설치하고, 피고인 B은 위 게임장에서 환전을 하는 역할을, 피고인 C은 일명 ‘깜깜이 차량’인 H 비스토 승용차를 이용하여 손님들을 위 게임장까지 운송하고, 피고인 D 위 게임장에서 손님들에게 커피를 타 주는 등의 심부름을 하는 역할을, I은 위 게임장 앞에서 경찰의 단속에 대비하여 망을 보는 ‘문방’ 역할을 하기로 공모하였다.

1. The Defendants’ co-principal

A. Although a person violating the Game Industry Promotion Act was prohibited from providing game products for use, or displaying or keeping them for that purpose, without being classified by the Game Rating Board, the Defendants conspired with the said I and provided for use of the said game products in collusion with the said I by allowing 100 points to be accumulated from June 27, 2013 to July 20:15, 2013 by installing the said 25 game machine in the said game site and allowing customers who found the said game site to use the said 10,000 won by inserting 10,000 won in the game machine.

As a result, the Defendants conspired with I to use game products not classified by the Game Rating Board.