B, AF, AI, and Q are sentenced to 8 months of imprisonment, DefendantN, BM, BN, BO, AG, BP, and BU in each of 6 months of imprisonment, Defendant AH, AE, and BU.
Punishment of the crime
"2014 Highest 398"
1. Defendants BP, Defendants B, Defendant B, Defendant AI, and Defendant BX (pre-determined to be separated) are middle school motives.
On July 3, 2013, the Defendants were on board the BY car driven by Defendant B on July 3, 2013, and became subject to an accident where the CB conflicts with the said BY car, which is driven by CB, while the CA was in the front of the CA located in the BZ at the time of its racing.
At the time, a traffic accident occurred only when the side of the vehicle was flicked to the extent that the vehicle was flicked. Therefore, even if the Defendants were not at the location of an injury requiring medical treatment, the Defendants conspired to receive insurance money from the insurance company as if the injury was inflicted due to the traffic accident and hospitalized in the CD hospital.
Since then, the Defendants filed for the payment of the insurance money with the content that they received hospitalized treatment due to the above traffic accident, which is the victim corporation, due to the injury.
The Defendants, as above, by deceiving the victims jointly, had the victims pay the CD Hospital total of KRW 4,414,750 as medical expenses, and received insurance money equivalent to KRW 3,450,000 in total, each of 690,000 under the pretext of agreement.
2. Defendants B, BM, Defendant BN, Defendant BO, and CE co-offenders are between middle and high schools.
B When receiving insurance money from an insurance company in the form of the occurrence of a traffic accident, as mentioned in the preceding paragraph, B proposed that the insurance fraud should be carried out together with the CE, which is the school motive, and Defendant BM, Defendant BN, and Defendant BO, who is the next time, with the intent to obtain insurance money by pretending the injury after causing a traffic accident.
According to B's proposal, the Defendants leased sirens to each other, share their roles as drivers or their passengers, and make illegal internships or central lines in areas of habitual violations of laws and regulations.