과실비율 60:40
(영문) 수원지방법원 2012.11.22.선고 2012가합1552 판결



2012 Gohap1552 Compensation (as defined)


1 . 이☆☆ ( 81년생 , XXXXXxx )

2 . 이 ★★ ( 55년생 , xxxxxxx )

3. Regular○○ (57 years old and 47 years old and x);

Suwon-si, Suwon-gu, 00.00 - (00 Dong-dong)

[Defendant-Appellant] Defendant 1

Attorney Kim Jin-hun, Park Tae-hun, Han-hee,


1. Korea;

Legal representative, the Minister of Justice, and the Minister of Justice

Litigation Performers Kim Sung-seok, Mobile, and Jo Nam-Nam

2. Suwon City:

The representative of the market chroud

[Plaintiff-Appellant] Plaintiff 1 and 3 others

[Defendant-Appellee] Plaintiff 1 and 10 others

Conclusion of Pleadings

November 8, 2012

Imposition of Judgment

November 22, 2012


1 . 피고들은 각자 원고 이☆☆에게 95 , 348 , 372원 , 원고 이★★ , 정○○에게 각 2 , 000 , 000원 및 위 각 금원에 대하여 2011 . 2 . 24 . 부터 2012 . 11 . 22 . 까지 연 5 % 의 , 그 다음날부터 다 갚는 날까지 연 20 % 의 각 비율에 의한 금원을 지급하라 .

2. The plaintiffs' remaining claims against the defendants are dismissed.

3. One-half of the costs of lawsuit shall be borne by the plaintiffs, and the remainder by the defendants.

4. Paragraph 1 can be provisionally executed.

Purport of claim

피고들은 각자 원고 이☆☆에게 187 , 292 , 998원 , 원고 이★★ , 정○○에게 각 11 , 000 , 000원 및 위 각 금원에 대하여 2011 . 2 . 24 . 부터 이 사건 청구취지 및 청구원인 변경신청서 부본 송달일까지는 연 5 % 의 , 그 다음날부터 다 갚는 날까지는 연 20 % 의 각 비율에 의한 금원을 지급하라 .


1. Basic facts

가 . 원고 이☆☆은 피고 수원시가 관리 · 감독하는 수원시립◎◇◆ 요양원 ( 이하 , ' 이 사건 요양원 ' 이라 한다 ) 에서 사회봉사명령에 따른 봉사활동을 하던 중 상해를 입은 자 이고 , 원고 이★★ , 정○○는 원고 이☆☆의 부모이며 , 피고 대한민국 산하 수원보호관 찰소는 사회봉사명령의 집행을 담당하는 기관이다 .

B. On January 6, 2011, the Plaintiff: (a) received 80 hours from the Suwon District Court for obstruction of performance of official duties; (b) social salary orders due to assault; (c) received community service commencement education at the Suwon Probation Office on February 22, 201; and (d) received community service commencement education at the Suwon Probation Office on February 22, 201; and (c) carried out community service orders on February 23, 201, by being placed in the instant medical care center designated as a cooperation agency for the execution of community service order.

C. On February 23, 201, Red Station, an employee of the instant medical care center, ordered the Plaintiff, Seoul Special Self-Governing Province, as part of volunteer activities in accordance with the community service order, to engage in the instant work (hereinafter “the instant work”). The Plaintiff, Seoul Special Self-Governing Province, in accordance with the direction of Red Station, instructed the Plaintiff to take up the bridge and work in this case, and the Red Station directed the Plaintiff to do work in shift with it. However, the Plaintiff Special Self-Governing Province continued to proceed with the instant construction work. As such, the Plaintiff Special Self-Governing Province, which was located in a bridge where the Plaintiff is located in the Plaintiff Special Self-Governing Province, lost the center of the instant medical care center and fell into the land above the bridge (hereinafter “the instant accident”). Accordingly, the Plaintiff Special Self-Governing Province suffered an unstable injury, including the Plaintiff’s 2nd of the instant accident.

라 . 피고 수원시는 원불교 ◆□재단 ( 이하 ' ◆□재단 ' 이라 한다 ) 에게 이 사건 요양원의 관리 , 운영을 위탁하였다 .

[Grounds for Recognition] Each entry into Gap's 1, 2, 4 through 6, Eul's 1 to 4, Eul's 1 to 4, Eul's 1 to 4 (including branch numbers, if any) and the purport of the whole pleadings

2. The plaintiffs' assertion

In this case, the Plaintiff Do Governor suffered injury due to the instant accident from among the Do residents implementing the community service order at the instant medical center. The Defendants are obliged to compensate for the damages suffered by the Plaintiffs.

3. Determination

(a) Occurrence of liability for damages;

( 1 ) 앞서 든 증거들에 변론 전체의 취지를 종합하여 인정되는 다음과 같은 사정 즉 , 피고 대한민국은 원고 이☆☆에 대한 사회봉사명령의 집행 업무를 사회봉사명령 협력기관으로 지정된 이 사건 요양원에 위탁한 점 , 피고 수원시는 이 사건 요양원의 관리 , 운영을 ◆□ 재단에게 위탁하고 ◆□재단은 이 사건 요양원을 관리 , 운영한 점 , 이 사건 요양원의 직원인 홍소가 원고 이☆☆에게 지시한 이 사건 작업은 사고가 발 생할 경우 큰 부상으로 이어질 수 있는 위험한 작업인 점 , 홍소는 사회봉사명령 대 상자인 원고 이☆☆에게 사회봉사명령에 따른 봉사활동의 일환으로 별다른 안전대책 없이 이 사건 작업을 지시한 점 , 원고 이☆☆은 이 사건 사고로 인하여 상해를 입은 점 등을 종합하면 , 피고 대한민국의 사회봉사명령 집행 업무 및 피고 수원시의 이 사 건 요양원 관리 업무를 위탁받은 ◆□재단은 그 직무집행에 관하여 안전대책 없이 원 고 이☆☆으로 하여금 이 사건 작업을 하게 한 바 있으므로 국가배상법 제2조 제1항 본문에 따라 피고들은 이 사건 사고로 인하여 원고들이 입은 손해를 배상할 의무가 있 다 .

(2) Determination on the defendants' defenses

(A) Determination on Defendant Republic of Korea’s defense

Defendant Republic of Korea has fulfilled the duty of care to manage and supervise the instant medical care center, which is a cooperation organization in the execution of community service orders, and therefore, Defendant Republic of Korea has no intention to compensate the Plaintiffs for the damages caused by the instant accident.

The purpose of the legislation of Article 2 (1) (main sentence) and (2) of the State Compensation Act is to guarantee the right to property of the people by imposing liability for damages on the State, etc., regardless of whether the person responsible for performance has been negligent in appointing or supervising the State, etc., where a public official or a private person entrusted with public duties, causes damage to another person due to an unlawful act in the course of performing his duties (see Supreme Court en banc Decision 95Da38677 delivered on February 15, 1996). Thus, the State and local governments cannot be exempted from liability for damages on the grounds that they performed their duties of care in supervision.

Therefore, Defendant Republic of Korea’s defense is without merit to examine further.

(B) Determination on the defense of Defendant Suwon-si

1 ) 피고 수원시는 , 사회봉사명령 협력 집행 업무는 피고 수원시가 ●□재단에 게 위탁한 업무가 아니고 사회봉사명령 협력 집행과 관련하여 발생한 이 사건 사고는 피고 수원시가 ◆□재단에게 위탁한 업무와 관련성이 없으므로 피고 수원시는 이 사건 사고로 인하여 원고들이 입은 손해를 배상할 의무가 없다고 항변한다 .

The term "in performing the duties under Article 2 (1) of the State Compensation Act" includes the act of directly performing the duties of a public official or the act closely related thereto, and when the act itself, which is judged, objectively observe the appearance of the act itself, and shows it as a public official's occupational act, even if it does not actually belong to his duties, it shall be deemed that the act was performed by the public official while executing the duties (see Supreme Court Decision 98Da39060 delivered on January 5, 201), and the document No. 1-2 of the document No. 1-2 of this case can be acknowledged that the defendant Won Won-si entrusted the management of the facility of this case to the Foundation, and since the execution of the community service order for the purpose of cleaning, etc. of the medical center of this case constitutes an act or closely related to the management of the facility of this case, the execution of the cooperation should be deemed to be related to the work of the community service center of this case which is entrusted to the Foundation.

Therefore, the above defense of the defendant Suwon-si is without merit.

2 ) 피고 수원시는 , ◆□재단과 사이에 이 사건 요양원에서 발생하는 사고에 대하여 ◆□재단이 민사상 모든 책임을 지기로 약정하였으므로 피고 수원시는 이 사건 사고로 인하여 원고들이 입은 손해를 배상할 책임이 없다고 항변한다 .

살피건대 , 피고 수원시와 ◆□재단 사이에 위 항변사실과 같은 약정이 있었다고 하 더라도 그와 같은 사정만으로 피고 수원시에게 국가배상법상 배상책임이 면제된다고 볼 수는 없고 , 달리 이를 인정할 만한 증거가 없다 .

Therefore, the above defense of the defendant Suwon-si is not justified.

(2) Limitation of liability

The plaintiff, △△△, was engaged in the work of another person in the vicinity at the time of entering the bridge and doing the work of this case, so even though it was necessary to safely perform the work of this case in preparation for fall in preparation for the falling of the surrounding areas, the plaintiff △△, which continued to perform the work in contravention of the direction of the Hong○○, which called the shift of shift, and the accident of this case is recognized as the negligence. In consideration of this, the defendants' responsibility should be limited to 60%.

B. Scope of liability for damages

In principle, the period of time for calculation below shall be calculated on a monthly basis, but the amount less than the last month and less than the cost shall be discarded, and the current price shall be calculated at the time of the accident of the amount of damages by the method of simple interest deducting the interim interest at the rate of 5/12 per month.

(1) The actual income

(A) Facts recognized and details of assessment

1) Gender and date of birth: Gender and date of birth on October 00, 1981; and

2) Place of residence: Urban area:

3) Ratio of loss of labor capacity: Loss of 45 per cent labor capacity by applying 5 vocational coefficient coefficient to fall under paragraph (1) - B - C of loss of Mabrid labor capacity.

4) Period of operation and the number of monthly operation: The 22th day of November, 13, 2041, from the time of the instant accident to November 13, 204, the day after the Plaintiff’s date of this accident to the day after the date of this accident.

5) Monetary assessment of operating capacity: Wages of an ordinary person employed for urban day.

(1) From February 23, 2011 to April 30, 2011, KRW 72,415 per day;

(2) From May 1, 2011 to August 31, 2011, KRW 74,008 per day.

(3) From September 1, 201 to April 30, 2012, KRW 75,608 per day;

(4) From May 1, 2012 to November 13, 2041, 80,732 won per day.

6) Name of lease: The name of the Plaintiff, the age 29 of which was 29 at the time of the instant accident, is 49.07 years, and the name of the Plaintiff, the age of which was 29 years, at the time of the instant accident, shall be deemed 20 March 20, 2060 [the name of the Plaintiff, the age of which was 29, the age of which was 49.23 + the date of the instant accident, 49.07, and 1 year and 365 days, and shall be deemed 25 days (x 365 days).

[Grounds for Recognition] In without dispute, Gap evidence Nos. 1, 8, and 9 (including branch numbers), the result of the physical examination commissioned by the President of the Korea University Hospital within the Korea University under this Court, the rule of experience, significant facts in this Court, and the purport of the entire pleadings

(B) Calculation: 177, 247,288 Won (The detailed statements are as follows)

A person shall be appointed.

(2) Limitation of liability

(a) Liability ratio: 60%

(B) Calculation: 106, 348, 372 won ( = lost income 177, 247, 288 won x 0.6)

(3) Mutual aid

The insurance amount of KRW 20,000 shall be deducted from the insurance amount received by the Plaintiff △△△ in relation to the instant accident from LIG damage insurance companies.

[Ground of recognition] Facts without dispute, entry Eul's evidence No. 2-3, purport of the whole pleadings

(4) Consolation money

(A) Reasons for taking into account: The plaintiffs' age, family relationship, background and result of the accident of this case, and circumstances shown in other arguments of this case.

(b) the amount determined;

1. Plaintiff △△: KRW 9,000,000

② 원고 이★★ , 정○○ : 각 2 , 000 , 000원

C. Sub-determination

따라서 , 피고들은 손해배상금으로 각자 원고 이☆☆에게 95 , 348 , 372원 ( = 위 106 , 348 , 372원 - 공제금 20 , 000 , 000원 + 위자료 9 , 000 , 000원 ) , 원고 이★★ , 정○○에게 각 2 , 000 , 000원 및 위 각 금원에 대하여 이 사건 사고일 이후로서 원고들이 구하는 2011 . 2 . 24 . 부터 피고들이 그 이행의무의 존부 및 범위에 관하여 항쟁함이 상당한 이 판결 선고일인 2012 . 11 . 22 . 까지는 민법이 정한 연 5 % 의 , 그 다음날부터 다 갚는 날 까지는 소송촉진 등에 관한 특례법이 정한 연 20 % 의 각 비율에 의한 지연손해금을 지 급할 의무가 있다 .

4. Conclusion

Therefore, the plaintiffs' claim of this case is justified within the scope of the above recognition, and it is dismissed as the remaining claims against the defendants are without merit. It is so decided as per Disposition.


Judges Kim Jong-young

Judges Park Young-sik

Judges Excursion Woo