(영문) 창원지방법원 2014.10.15 2014나1014



1. The decision of the court of first instance revokes the part against the plaintiff that orders payment under the following.


1. The corresponding part of the judgment of the first instance court of basic facts is the same;

(main sentence of Article 420 of the Civil Procedure Act). 2. Determination on the cause of the claim

A. The Plaintiff’s assertion 1) The Plaintiff’s assertion is difficult to be deemed as a sudden acceleration accident, and at least Defendant A’s negligence occurred. As such, Defendant A and Defendant B, a tort, are obligated to pay the Plaintiff a reasonable amount of the insurance money with the indemnity to the Plaintiff who subrogated to claim damages against the Defendants of H. The Defendants’ assertion that the instant accident occurred entirely due to the defect of Defendant A, and the Defendant A did not have any intentional negligence with respect to the instant accident. Therefore, the Defendants cannot respond to the Plaintiff’s claim.

B. In light of the following circumstances acknowledged by Gap's evidence Nos. 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 10, 12, and Eul's evidence Nos. 3 and Eul's evidence Nos. 2 and the purport of Eul's whole pleading, the accident of this case can be presumed to have occurred due to Defendant A's negligence in breach of the duty of safe driving because the accident of this case was caused due to the failure to operate the vehicle steering direction and brake system properly, or at least caused by such negligence.

1) K, who works at the Changwon Service Center, was called up after receiving the Defendants’ report, and conducted an investigation into the Defendant’s vehicle in the presence of the Defendant A and Defendant B. 2 at the time of the investigation. At the time of the investigation, K used the Defendant’s vehicle to normally work and maintain the normal public meeting transfer of the Defendant’s vehicle at the time of the investigation. At the end of the brac vehicle’s driving power, the brack was conducted in the balth of the balth of the balth of the balth of the balth of the balth, and the balth of the balth of the balth of the balth of the balth of the balth, the falth of the falth of the balth of the falth of the falth of

The circumstances are not found and normal.