(영문) 서울북부지방법원 2018.11.21 2018나33617



1. The plaintiff's appeal and the conjunctive claim added by this court are all dismissed.

2. After an appeal is filed.


Basic Facts

With the trade name of B, the Plaintiff, who is engaged in textile manufacturing business, entered into an export contract of the original group B, entered into a contract with LAW, which is located in LAW, to export the original parts produced by the Plaintiff to LAW. The Plaintiff entered into a contract with LAW, EAW, EAVL, LAV, GOV, MAV, GOS, MAD (hereinafter referred to as “AWA”).

On November 29, 2015, the first L/C was issued and the payment was made by the Defendant’s point of (DHAKA) (hereinafter “C”), and the beneficiary was requested to issue the L/C, and on November 29, 2015, the Plaintiff and the drawee were issued an irrevocable L/C (hereinafter “the first L/C”) with USD 26,69.86, USD 26,69.86, the final date of shipment was December 15, 2015.

The main contents of the first letter of credit are as follows:

① 분할선적 가능 ② 물품 : 나일론 11,033야드, 상세 내역은 수익자의 2015. 7. 23.자 견적송장(PROFORMA INVOICE) NO. D 참조 ③ 요구서류 ◎ 수익자가 서명한 상업송장 6부(원본 4부 사본2부)-물품의 FOB 가격, 운임, 보험료(해당 사항이 있는 경우) 구분해서 표시 ◎ 포장명세서 3부 ◎ 원산지증명서 2부 ◎ 다카지점을 수탁자로 하고 ‘운임 선불’로 기재되고 개설의뢰인을 통지인으로 하여 발행된 무사고선적선하증권 모든 세트(FULL SET OF ORIGINAL CLEAN BILL OF LANDING) ④ 추가 조건 ◎ 선적일이 신용장 개설일 이전일 경우 인정되지 않음 ◎ 서류에 하자(불일치) 발생시 건당 미화 50달러씩 공제함 ◎ 개설은행이 제출된 서류에 하자가 있다고 판단하는 경우 개설의뢰인에게 하자수락을 요청할 수 있으며 개설의뢰인이 하자를 수락할 경우 서류를 인수하고 대금을 지급할 수 있음 ⑤ 서류제시기간 : 선적일로부터 19일 이내로서 유효기일 내 원고는...