(영문) 수원지방법원 2017.04.14 2016노3554



The defendant's appeal is dismissed.


1. 항소 이유의 요지 1) 사실 오인 및 법리 오해 피고인은 피해자의 머리 부분을 손톱으로 할퀸 사실이 없다.

설령 피고인이 피해자를 할퀸 사실이 있다고

However, this constitutes a passive resistance to escape from the process of unilaterally taking violence against a victim by the defendant, and constitutes a legitimate defense or a legitimate act.

2) The lower court’s unfair sentencing (an amount of KRW 1.5 million) is too unreasonable.

2. 판단 1) 사실 오인 및 법리 오해 주장에 관한 판단 (1) 손톱으로 할퀸 사실이 없다는 주장에 관한 판단 원심이 적법하게 채택하여 조사한 증거들에 따라 인정할 수 있는 다음과 같은 사정들을 종합하면, 피고인이 원심 판시 범죄사실 기재와 같이 피해자의 머리 부분을 손톱으로 할퀴어 피해자에게 상해를 가한 사실을 충분히 인정할 수 있다.

(1) A victim has consistently suffered a bodily injury from the investigative agency to the original trial by the defendant with the wheels of the victim's head as a saw.

was stated.

(2) While the lower court and the investigative agency have made a dispute with a victim, H tried to remove the victim's face and head as his/her hand, and tried to have the victim's head.

was stated.

In addition, at the first instance court, K removed the victim's head, fat, fat, and fat, and attempted to remove the victim's head.

I stated that the defendant also stated that he also saw that he was able to display his hand to the victim.

was stated.

The statements of these witnesses are consistent with the above statements of the victimized person.

③ The victim’s photograph (see, e.g., the 11th page of the evidence record) taken on the site of the instant case and the medical certificate issued on the day of the instant case (see, e.g., the 110th page of the evidence record) are deemed to have suffered a wound around and around the snow, so that it conform

④ L, J은 원심에서 피고인이 피해자의 머리 부분을 손톱으로 할퀸 장면을 보지...